例句 In spite of the fact that the external cue has synchronization with the period of the internal cycle; the animal's timer itself continues to have its own genetically built…in period close to 24 hours。 尽管这些外部信号与动物自身的生命周期具有同步性,动物本身的生物钟也会维持一个由基因决定的生物周期,这个周期接近24小时。
toddler['tɑ:dl?r]n。 学步的小孩
例句 Physiological immaturity may be part of why infants and toddlers do not form extremely enduring memories; even when they hear stories that promote such remembering in preschoolers。 心理不成熟也许是婴儿和学步孩童没能形成长期记忆的部分原因,就算当他们听到那些促进学龄前儿童记忆的故事时也是如此。
traumatic[trau'm?tik]a。 创伤的;痛苦的,不愉快的
例句 Blunt trauma is one of the leading causes of traumatic death。 钝器创伤是造成创伤性死亡的首要原因之一。
要点 traumatic一词来源于trauma“创伤”,这个词通常表示“心理及精神上的伤痛”。
trigger['trig?r]v。 引发,导致 n。 扳机
搭配 trigger a war 引发战争
例句 1。 Experiments have also brought serious doubt to the belief that yawning is triggered by a drop in blood oxygen or a rise in blood carbon dioxide。 人们相信打哈欠是由血液中氧含量的减少或是二氧化碳增多造成的,但是实验引起了人们的疑问。
2。 Pheromones are chemical signals triggering behavioral responses。 信息素是引发行为反应的化学信号。
vessel['vesl]n。 血管;船;容器
搭配 blood vessel 血管
例句 1。 The new treatment is to introduce a gene that causes the process of new blood vessel growth。 一种新的治疗方法是引入可以促进新血管生成的基因。
2。 Canals are often classified by the size of vessel they can acmodate。 运河通常是按照其所能容纳的船只的吨位来分类的。
同义 vein(n。 血管)
要点 在托福阅读考试中,除了“血管”的含义以外,vessel表示“船”的意思也很常见,比如:a new type of vessel properly designed to operate in rough; open water。
vigorous['vig?r?s]a。 精力充沛的;有力的
例句 An experiment demonstrated that physical exercise which was sufficiently vigorous to double the rate of breathing had no effect on the frequency of yawning。 实验证明,可以使呼吸频率翻倍的强力体育运动不会影响打哈欠的频率。
派生 vigorously(ad。 精力旺盛地)
virus['vair?s]n。 病毒
搭配 virus infection 病毒感染;be immune to the virus 对病毒免疫
例句 1。 Spread rapidly by mosquitoes; the virus destroyed the rabbit population。 在蚊子的快速传播下,病毒摧毁了兔子种群。
2。 The virus replicates by attaching to a cell and injecting its nucleic acid。 病毒通过附着在细胞上并注入核酸来实现复制。
vision['vi?n]n。 视力,视觉;幻觉
例句 When crayfish are retained continuously in the dark; even for four to five months; their pound eyes continue to adjust on a daily schedule for daytime and nighttime vision。 当螯虾持续待在黑暗中,甚至长达4到5个月的时间时,它们的复眼仍能根据日夜交替进行调整。
同义 sight(n。 视力)
vulnerable['v?ln?r?bl]a。 易受攻击的,易受伤的
例句 Amphibians are especially vulnerable to pesticides dissolved in the water。 两栖类动物尤其容易受到溶解于水中的杀虫剂的伤害。
同义 unprotected(a。 无保护的)
要点 vulnerable除了可以指人或动物易受伤害以外,还可以用于描述环境、国家或形势的脆弱,比如:Excessive numbers of cattle have made the land unprotected and vulnerable。
wakefulness['weikfln?s]n。 觉醒
例句 1。 Of all the physiological differences in human sleep pared with wakefulness that have been discovered in the last decade; changes in respiratory control are most dramatic。 在过去10年间,人们发现在人类清醒与睡眠时所有的生理差异中,呼吸控制的变化最为明显。
2。 Using an EKG(electrocardiogram)machine that picks up brain wave activity; wakefulness can be observed and measured。 通过使用可以获取脑电波活动的心电图机器,人们可以观察并测量觉醒情况。
同义 awakening(n。 觉醒)
yawn[j?:n]n。 哈欠 v。 打哈欠
例句 Yawning is distracting; consumes energy and takes time; which is almost certainly doing something important in adults as well as in fetuses。 打哈欠是分心的、消耗能量和时间的。对于成人和胎儿来说,打哈欠都是非常重要的。
abruptly[?'br?ptli]ad。 突然地,唐突地
例句 1。 As moves from layers of rocks documenting the end of the Cretaceous; many plants and animals disappeared abruptly from the fossil record; and this represented the beginning of the Cenozoic。 就像岩层运动记录着白垩纪的终结那样,许多植物和动物也突然从化石记录中消失了,而这代表新生界的开始。
2。 There is a question related to the evidence that the invertebrate fauna of the Mediterranean had experienced a great change abruptly about 6 million years ago。 关于地中海地区无脊椎动物区系于大约600万年前经历了突然的巨变的证据存在着质疑。
同义 suddenly(ad。 突然地)
要点 abruptly通常表示一种意料之外的突然变化,目的是吸引读者的注意。其用法类似于suddenly,shortly以及sharply。
advent['?dvent]n。 到来,来临;出现
例句 1。 With the advent of projection in 1895…1896; movie became a popular form of mass consumption。 随着1895至1896年电影放映机的出现,电影成为了一种流行的大众消费形式。
2。 With the advent of power…driven machinery; home industry has to give way to the production in mills and factories。 随着动力机器的出现,家庭式产业不得不让位于磨坊和工厂的生产。
同义 arrival(n。 到来);emergence(n。 出现)
派生 adventure(n。 冒险;投机活动);adventurer(n。 冒险家;投机商人)
apparent[?'p?r?nt]a。 显然的;表面上的;貌似(真实)的
例句 1。 Because of the contradiction of the data and the apparent changes of the mechanisms; the studies bee plicated。 由于数据的矛盾以及机制的明显变化,研究变得复杂了。
2。 It was apparent that the glaciation happened in the relatively recent past for the drift was soft and looked like freshly deposited sediment。 很明显,冰川作用就是在不久的过去发生的,因为漂流的浮冰很柔软,看起来就像刚沉淀的沉积物一样。
同义 obvious; evident(a。 明显的)
要点 apparent在文中通常起强调的作用,比如:It was apparent that。。。这一句型。其副词形式apparently的出现频率也比较高,意为“显然地,明显地”,如:Apparently; the most obvious reason is。。。
approximate[?'prɑ:ksimeit]v。 接近,近似[?'prɑ:ksim?t]a。 大约的
例句 1。 The approximate range of the circadian rhythm of horseshoe crabs is 22。2 to 25。5 hours。 鲎类生理节律的大致范围是22。2小时至25。5小时。
2。 It was the Greeks that first calculated the approximate distance around the circumference of the Earth。 希腊人首先计算出了地球圆周的近似距离。
同义 proximity(n。 接近,邻近)
要点 approximate的含义类似于about; 。。。or so,以及短语close to的用法。此外,approximate的副词形式approximately也十分常见,比如:Rainfall replaces approximately the amount of water lost through evaporation。
assumption[?'s?mp?n]n。 假定,臆断;担任
例句 1。 One can make such an assumption that hands were stenciled palm downward — therefore a left hand stenciled palm upward might of course look as if it were a right hand。 人们可以做出这样的假设:制作手的模型时手掌是向下的——因此一个手掌向上的左手模型看起来肯定就和右手一样。
2。 These critics were making a mon assumption that the technological inadequacies of the earlier attempts would occur again invariably。 这些批评家做出了一个共同的假设——早期尝试中技术缺乏的现象一定会再次出现。
belong[bi'l?:?]v。 属于,应归入;适应
例句 In the sixteenth century; fruits and vegetables were only to be found in gardens belonging to the wealthy。 在16世纪,水果和蔬菜只有在属于富人的花园里才能看见。
派生 belonging(n。 所有物)
briefly['bri:fli]ad。 暂时地;简要地
例句 1。 The anthropologists summarized the process of perceiving it briefly。 人类学家简明扼要地概括了领会这一点的过程。
2。 A search of sedimentary deposits from the Cretaceous to the Tertiary periods reveals that there is a dramatic increase in the abundance of iridium briefly and precisely at this boundary。 一项对从白垩纪到第三纪时期的沉淀物的研究显示,铱元素的含量恰好在这个临界点上出现了短暂的激增。
pare[k?m'per]v。 比较,相比,对比 n。 比较
搭配 pare with 与…比较,对照;pare to 比喻为,把…比作;without pare 无与伦比
例句 1。 pared with urban areas; the population and size of villages were relatively small。 与城市相比,乡村的人口数量和规模都较小。
2。 Deserts have large amounts of groundwater when pared to the amounts that lakes and rivers hold in surface stores。 与湖泊和河流的表层储水相比,沙漠包含大量的地下水。
3。 pared with the lunar space suits; Martian space suits just need smaller air tanks; and the elbow and knee areas will also be altered to allow freer movements。 与登月的太空服相比,火星的太空服需要更小的气罐,而且为了使穿着时活动更加自如,其肘部和膝部的设计也要有所修改。
派生 parable(a。 可比较的)
continuous[k?n'tinju?s]a。 继续不断的;不断延伸的
例句 1。 The probability that we will develop primary group bonds increases if we have frequent and continuous contact。 如果我们频繁而连续地接触,我们建立初级群体联系的可能性就会增大。
2。 These conditions are often found on the ocean floors where the amount of shelled invertebrates is abundant and are covered by the continuous rain of sedimentary particles。 这样的条件在洋底十分常见,那里有壳的无脊椎动物的数量很多,而且被不断落下的沉积颗粒所覆盖。
3。 In spite of the invasions and occasional foreign rule; China has one of the world's oldest continuous civilizations。 尽管有被入侵和偶尔被外国统治的经历,中国仍拥有世界上最为源远流长的文化。
conversely['kɑ:nv?:rsli]ad。 相反地;颠倒地
例句 Hearing the stories may lead preschoolers to encode aspects of events that allow them to form memories th