mutual['mju:?u?l]a。 相互的;共有的
例句 1。 These were essentially professional associations that provided mutual aid and protection for their members; and allowed for the maintenance of professional standards。 它们都是重要的职业协会,为成员提供相互的援助和保护,并努力维护专业水准。
2。 It is this intense mutual engagement that elicits the display of skills and shapes the emerging form of performance。 正是这种强烈的互动才使得技能展示出来,并塑造出一种新兴的表演形式。
同义 mon(a。 共有的)
派生 mutually(ad。 互相地)
要点 在阅读中看到mutual这个词的时候,要注意相关事物之间存在的关系,或一些共有的特征。
neglect[ni'glekt]n。/v。 忽视;疏忽,忽略
例句 1。 Certainly; although their evaluation of the technical flaws in 1920s; sound experiments was not so far off the mark; yet they neglected to take into account important new forces in the motion picture field that; in a sense; would not take no for an answer。 可以肯定的是,虽然他们对20世纪20年代声音实验的技术缺陷的评估不是那么离谱,但是他们没有把电影范畴里不屈不挠的新生力量考虑在内。
2。 What I neglected to mention was the controversy around Peary's pioneering acplishment。 我忘记提围绕皮尔里开创性成就的争议了。
同义 omit(v。 疏忽)
要点 neglect可以体现对某事物采取的态度。与之相反,要表达“重视”,可以用put emphasis on或者pay attention to。
negotiate[ni'gou?ieit]v。 谈判,商议
例句 1。 The increasing number of banks made it easier for those panies without cash to negotiate loans in paper money。 银行数量的不断增加为没有现款来谈判纸币贷款业务的公司提供了方便。
2。 We've decided to negotiate with the employers about our wage claim。 我们决定就工资问题与雇主谈判。
objective[?b'?ektiv]n。 目标,目的 a。 客观的
搭配 achieve the objective 达到目的;objective reality 客观事实
例句 1。 Teachers seldom have the time or opportunities to view their own or the teaching methods of others in an objective manner。 老师们很少有时间或机会客观地审视自己和其他老师的教学方法。
2。 The world's architectural structures have been devised in relation to the objective limitations of materials。 世界上建筑结构的设计与客观上材料的局限性有关。
3。 Many of these individuals would not have been able to meet their objectives if not for government support。 要是没有政府支持,很多个体是不可能实现他们的目标的。
同义 target; aim(n。 目标)
派生 objectively(ad。 客观地)
相关 表示观点、态度的单词还有:subjective 主观的;neutral 中立的;critical 批评的;doubtful 怀疑的;approving 赞成的。
要点 objective作“客观的”讲时,常用于表述作者的观点态度;而在托福阅读中,也考过其作为“目的”的含义,比如:An objective of this particular cruise was to investigate the floor of the Mediterranean。
occupation[?ɑ:kju'pei?n]n。 工作,职业;占有,使用;消遣
例句 1。 The occupation of Britain by Roman army influenced and changed the local population。 罗马军队对不列颠的占领影响并改变了当地人。
2。 Relatively; European society was stratified and their occupation and social status were inherited。 相对而言,欧洲社会是分等级的,他们的职业和社会地位也是世袭的。
3。 Many areas were richer in animal and plant species than they were before; which made them highly favorable for human occupation。 很多地方的动植物种类比以往多,而这对人类定居非常有利。
occupy['ɑ:kjupai]v。 占用;(使)忙碌;(使)从事
例句 1。 The deserts already occupy approximately a fourth of the Earth's land surface; and in recent decades they have been increasing at an alarming pace。 沙漠几乎占据地球表面的四分之一,而且在最近数十年,沙漠正以令人担忧的速度持续扩张。
2。 Numerous insects occupy the marsh and feed on living or dead cordgrass tissue; while redwing; blackbirds; sparrows and other birds feed on the cordgrass。 许多昆虫生活在湿地中,以活着或死掉的米草组织为食;同时,红翼鸫、画眉、麻雀等鸟类则以米草本身为食。
3。 Nomadism has further consequences; which means that pastoralist societies can occupy and influence very large territories。 游牧能产生更深远的影响,这意味着游牧社会能占领并影响很大部分的区域。
oral['?:r?l]a。 口头的,口述的 n。 口试
例句 1。 If myths of a society's rites were admired for artistic qualities; they were more likely to be retained in the oral tradition。 如果社会仪式中的神话因其艺术品质而被人们欣赏,那么这些神话很可能会以口述的传统形式保存下来。
2。 The main aim of the investigator is to collect oral evidence that can minimise the possibility of the denying。 调查员的主要目标是收集口头证据,这些口头证据会将人们提出反对的可能性降到最低。
同义 spoken(a。 口头的)
overtime['ouv?rtaim]a。/ad。 超时的(地);加班的(地)
例句 Over long periods of time; substances whose physical and chemical properties change with the ambient climate can be deposited in a systematic way and provide a continuous record of changes in those properties overtime。 经过很长一段时间以后,物理和化学特征会随着周围的气候变化的物质会以系统的方式沉淀,并在较长时间内留下持续的特征变化记录。
paradigm['p?r?daim]n。 范例,示范
例句 The pany experienced one other fundamental shift of production paradigm during these years。 这家公司的生产范例在这些年中经历了另一场彻底的转变。
paradox['p?r?dɑ:ks]n。 悖论;反论
例句 1。 The statement itself is a paradox; because it is self…contradictory。 这句话本身就是一个悖论,因为它是自相矛盾的。
2。 It is a paradox that in the desire for peace; we may finally resort to war。 我们或许会为了实现和平的愿望而诉诸战争——这是一个悖论。
paradoxically[?p?r?'dɑ:ksikli]ad。 自相矛盾地;反常地
例句 Paradoxically; the less you have to do in your work; the more you may resent it。 矛盾的是,你在工作中需要做的越少,你就会越怨恨这份工作。
要点 这个单词用于描述有悖常理的或反常的情况,通常是一种与预期相反的局面。
partial['pɑ:r?l]a。 不完全的;偏爱的;偏心的;部分的
例句 1。 Workers were ranked according to their skill level; and the most…experienced workers became partial in the factory。 根据技术水平,工人们被划分为不同的等级,而最有经验的工人就成为了工厂中受到偏爱的人。
2。 As new strains of drought…resistant crops continue to be developed; genetic engineering seems to provide a partial solution。 随着新的抗旱作物品种的不断发展,遗传工程似乎提供了部分解决方案。
同义 inplete(a。 不完全的)
patent['p?tnt]n。 专利权 v。 取得专利权 a。 有专利的;显而易见的
例句 His first discovery of the daguerreotype was announced in 1839; and a different process was patented by a British inventor in 1841。 由他首次发现的银版照相法公布于1839年,另一种完全不同的摄影过程则于1841年由一位英国发明家取得了专利权。
perceive[p?r'si:v]v。 感知,察觉;认识到
例句 1。 If the infant fails to dishabituate and continues to show habituation under the new stimulus; it is assumed that the baby is unable to perceive the different new stimulus。 如果婴儿不能改变某种行为习惯,而且在新的刺激下仍呈现这种习惯的话,就能推测出婴儿没有感知这种新刺激的能力。
2。 The intention is for the positively perceived attributes of the celebrity which would be transferred to the advertised product and for the two to bee automatically linked in the audience's mind。 这样做的目的是使顾客明确地感受到代言的名人身上与广告产品关联的特质,还能使顾客一看到两者就能在脑海中自动将他们联系起来。
3。 Art deco in its many forms was largely perceived as thoroughly modern。 在很大程度上,很多形式的艺术装饰都被认为完全是现代的。
同义 observe(v。 察觉)
perception[p?r'sep?n]n。 感知;观念;洞察力
例句 1。 After the invention of photography in the middle of the nineteenth century; perceptions of the visible world were greatly altered。 19世纪中期,摄影术的发明极大地改变了人们对可视世界的认知。
2。 However; a study of children in Hong Kong found that if the children did not like celebrities; the presence of celebrities in advertisements could negatively affect the children's perceptions of a product。 然而,香港的一项针对儿童所作的研究发现,如果孩子不喜欢名人,那么广告中出现的名人将会在孩子对产品的认识上产生负面影响。
perplex[p?r'pleks]v。 使(某人)困惑;(使)复杂化
例句 The question perplexed people for many years until a German scientist provided some answers。 这个问题一直困扰着人们,直到一名德国科学家提供了一些答案。
phrase[freiz]n。 短语,用语 v。 叙述
例句 In nearly every language; however the words are phrased; the most basic division in cinema history lies between films that are mute and films that speak。 几乎在所有语言中,无论台词被如何叙述出来,在电影史上,对电影的最基本分类都是无声电影和有声电影。
postulate['pɑ:s??l?t]n。 假定,假设;要求['pɑ:s??leit]v。 假定;要求
例句 1。 The school building program postulates an increase in educational investment。 修建校舍的计划是在增加教育经费的前提下拟定的。
2。 The teacher postulated that all of the students in his class would pass the final exam。 老师要求他班上的所有学生都通过期末考试。
要点 postulate和suppose的含义相同,都表示“假设”,但不同的是postulate主要指为证实某个理论的正确性而进行的假设。
profitable['prɑ:fit?bl]a。 有利可图的;有益的
例句 1。 The government tried to make western farm products more profitable than that of the eastern。 政府试图使西部的农产品比东部的农产品获得更多利润。
2。 After the middle of the seventeenth century; land reclamation decreased significantly as the price of agricultural products began to fall; making land reclamation far less profitable in the second half of the century。 17世纪中期以后,由于农产品价格开始下降,导致土地的复垦显著减少,这使土地复垦的利润在17世纪后半叶变得更少。
3。 This trade rout