ices based on their melting points。 组成这两组行星的物质根据它们的熔点被划分成为三种:分别是气体、岩石和冰。
division[di'vi?n]n。 除;分配;部门
例句 1。 The international division of labor was well…suited to the development of some countries; that is a key factor in their success。 国际劳动分工很适合一些国家的发展,这也是这些国家获得成功的一个关键因素。
2。 All meteorites are assigned to three broad divisions on the basis of two kinds of material。 基于两种材料,所有的陨星一共被划分为三大类。
同义 partition(n。 划分)
drill[dril]v。 钻(孔),打眼;训练
例句 1。 Wells are drilled into the ground; when an oil pool or field has been discovered。 当油池或油塘被发现时,石油钻井会被打入地下。
2。 The first oil well was drilled by the retired railroad conductor — E。 L。 Drake。 第一口油井是由E·L·德雷克钻的,他是一名退休铁路列车长。
同义 bore(v。 打眼);practice(v。 训练)
due[du:]a。 到期的;应给的;应支付的
搭配 due to 由于;due date 到期日,支付日
例句 1。 Both the north and the south areas were lack of surface water probably due to the fact that most of it was used up for agricultural purposes。 南部和北部地区都缺乏地表水,很可能是因为大部分的地表水都被用于农业了。
2。 The changes of lake level must be due to the net difference between what seeps into the lake from the groundwater and what leaks into the groundwater。 湖面水位的改变一定是因为流入湖的地下水和渗透到地下水中的湖水之间存在净差。
3。 It bees possible to judge whether a lake's flow is mainly due to its surface inputs and outputs or to its underground inputs and outputs; once all this information has been gathered。 一旦信息收集齐全,就可以判断湖水的流量主要取决于地表水的输入和输出,还是地下水的输入和输出。
duplicate['du:plikeit]v。 复写,复制['du:plik?t]a。 完全相同的 n。 复制品
搭配 duplicate a key 配钥匙;in duplicate 一式两份
例句 Skilled locksmiths can make duplicate keys from detailed source material。 技艺高超的锁匠能够根据一些详尽的原材料配出钥匙。
要点 duplicate本身可以作形容词,意为“完全相同的”;但它作动词时可以派生出另一个形容词,即duplicated“复制的”,托福阅读中考过该词的用法,与之意思相同的是copied。
durable['dur?bl]a。 持久的;耐用的
例句 1。 Snail and clam shells are durable and resist dissolving; but over time they slowly begin to change。 蜗牛和蛤蜊的壳能保存很久,并能抵御分解作用,但久而久之它们也会慢慢开始变化。
2。 Beads were probably the first durable ornaments that we possessed。 珠子可能是我们最先拥有的耐用的装饰品。
duration[du'rei?n]n。 持续的时间
例句 1。 The middle… and upper…latitude timberlines are strongly influenced by the duration and depth of the snow cover。 中高纬度的树带界线受到积雪的覆盖时间和积雪深度的强烈影响。
2。 An animal usually maintains its own characteristic cycle duration with great precision for many days。 动物通常会将极其精准的具有自身特性的循环时间维持许多天。
dwelling['dweli?]n。 住处
例句 For people in cliff dwellings; hauling water; wood and food to their homes was hard work。 对于住在悬崖上的人们来说,把水、木材和食物运到家中是一项艰难的工作。
efficient[i'fi?nt]a。 有效的,有效率的;能胜任的
搭配 energy efficient 节能的
例句 1。 This friction tends to slow the speed of winds and make them far less efficient at dispersing on airflow。 摩擦力将会降低风速并使分散风流的效率降低。
2。 The camel's abilities to thrive in harsh desert conditions and to carry large loads cheaply made it an effective and efficient means of transportation。 骆驼能在恶劣的沙漠环境中健壮成长,而且能驮沉重的货物,这使它成为了廉价而高效的沙漠运输工具。
3。 The engine eliminated water in the mines by driving efficient pumps; so that it is possible to make deeper and deeper mining。 机车通过操纵高效的泵来排走矿井中的水,从而使采到越来越深的矿产成为可能。
要点 efficient的名词形式是efficiency,主要是指办事的“效率”,“效率高”可以说high efficiency。
同义 effective(a。 有效的)
派生 efficiently(ad。 有效地)
elite[ei'li:t]n。 精英;掌权者;社会名流;实力集团 a。 卓越的;精锐的
例句 1。 Many of the statues are made to be put in the tombs of the elite in order to serve the tomb owners in the afterlife。 许多雕像是要被放进掌权者的坟墓中的,为了在来世侍奉坟墓主人。
2。 The growing power of the elite; who controlled the economy; would not serve as additions to the labor force。 掌控经济的实力集团的权力日益强大,不再是劳动力的附属物。
3。 If you want to understand ancient Egyptian art; it is important to know as much as possible of the elite Egyptians' view of the world and the functions and contexts of the art produced for them。 了解尽可能多的埃及名流的世界观以及为他们所创作的艺术的功能和内涵,对于了解古埃及艺术是很重要的。
emphasis['emf?sis]n。 强调,重点
例句 1。 Certainly; one would have to place great emphasis on this almost instinct for the territorial imperative in trying to explain the Roman phenomenon。 当然,想试图解释罗马现象,就必须强调这种对于领土近乎本能的需求。
2。 In the late nineteenth century; ecology began to grow into an independent science and the emphasis of this new“munity ecology”was on the position and structure of munities consisting of different species。 19世纪末,生态学逐渐发展成为一门独立的科学,这一新“群体生态学”强调的是不同生物群体的组成和结构。
要点 emphasis常常和介词on连用,表示“强调的内容”,是emphasize的名词形式。
enable[i'neibl]v。 使(某人)能够做某事;使可能
例句 Once the soil has been removed by erosion; only the passage of centuries or millennia will enable new soil to form。 一旦土壤被侵蚀,只有经过几个世纪或几千年才会形成新的土壤。
enclose[in'klouz]v。 围住;把…装入(信封、包裹等)
例句 1。 Such statues were very often enclosed in rectangular shrines or wall niches; and these statues' only opening was at the front; making it natural for the statue to display frontality。 这些雕像通常用矩形的神龛或壁龛围起来,只能看到其前面的部分,使雕像的正面能够自然地呈现出来。
2。 It became much easier to build houses by enclosing space because of the enormous changes in materials and techniques of construction in the last few generations。 在近代,由于建筑材料和技术的重大改变,通过将空间围住来建造房屋变得更加简单。
搭配 engage in (doing) sth。 从事于…
例句 How are we going to classify a typical politician or business person who engages in unethical practices? 我们如何区分那些典型的做事不道德的政客或商人?
要点 engage in和be involved in表达的含义相似,都表示“参与”,但不同的是engage in意思是“主动参与某事”,而be involved in意思是“被动地卷入了某事”。
estimate['estimeit]v。 评估,估计;估价
例句 1。 puter models are used to estimate how the different causes make the climate variability occur。 计算机模型被用来评估引起天气变化的不同因素。
2。 If we estimate the water released upon the hypothetical melting of the world's glaciers; the total amount of ice is even more awesome。 如果我们估计出世界上冰川的融水量,那么冰的总量将是更加惊人的。
同义 reckon(v。 评估)
evaluate[i'v?ljueit]v。 评价;估计
例句 Further observation revealed that teachers evaluate events rather than review the contributory factors in a considered manner by standing outside the situation。 进一步观察显示,教师们更愿意评价事件,而不是以局外人的身份来审视其中有利的因素。
同义 assess; estimate(v。 评价;估计)
要点 evaluate和estimate在阅读文章中常常可以替换使用,都用来表达“估计”的含义。
evenly['i:vnli]ad。 平坦地;均匀地;稳定地
例句 The impact of the army on the civilian population starts from the realization that the soldiers were always evenly distributed across the country。 军队对平民的影响是从意识到士兵经常均衡地分布在全国各处开始的。
excess['ekses]a。 过量的;额外的[ik'ses]n。 超过
例句 1。 The excess cash rapidly stimulated a thriving economy outside fort gates。 这些多余的现金迅速刺激了要塞之外的经济发展。
2。 During the dry periods; that is mon phenomenon along the desert margins; when the pressure on the land is often far in excess of its diminished capacity; desertification forms。 在干旱季节,这是沙漠边缘地带常见的现象;土地的干旱程度超出了其可承受的范围,这就导致荒漠化的形成。
3。 Excess water from irrigation sinking down into the water table is one of the causes of desertification。 过多灌溉用水渗透到地下水位之下是导致沙漠化的原因之一。
excessive[ik'sesiv]a。 过分的;极度的;过多的
例句 1。 Excessive numbers of cattle and the need for firewood for fuel have made grasses and trees reduced; leaving the land unprotected and vulnerable。 数量过多的牲畜和对用作燃料的木柴的需求使得草木减少,使土地失去保护,变得脆弱。
2。 In studies; pacifiers are monly used to calm an infant who has suffered excessive stimuli。 在研究中,安慰奶嘴通常用于安抚受到过度刺激的婴儿。
3。 Reduction of the vegetation cover and the trampling and pulverization of the soil are the consequences of an excessive number of livestock grazing in an area。 过度放牧导致了植被减少,土地遭到践踏,并被最终彻底摧毁。
explanation[?ekspl?'nei?n]n。 解释,说明
例句 1。 Dissatisfaction with conventional explanations for dinosaur extinctions led to a surprising observation that has suggested a new hypothesis in turn。 对恐龙灭绝的传统解释的不满意使人们有了惊人的发现,而这反而暗示了一个新假说的诞生。
2。 The likely explanation is that in an area of underground freshwater underlies the island; but surface elevation increases from north to south; so that as one moves south the land sur