


托福阅读1000词- 第3部分

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ence of moisture is affected by the special qualities of the urban surface。 With much of the built…up landscape impenetrable by water; even gentle rain runs off almost immediately from rooftops; streets; and parking lots。 Thus; city surfaces; as well as the air above them; tend to be drier between episodes of rain; with little water available for the cooling process of evaporation; relative humidities are usually lower。 Wind movements are also modified in cities because buildings increase the friction on air flowing around them。 This friction tends to slow the speed of winds; making them far less efficient at dispersing pollutants。 On the other hand; air turbulence increases because of the effect of skyscrapers on airflow。 Rainfall is also increased in cities。 The cause appears to be in part greater turbulence in the urban atmosphere as hot air rises from the built…up surface。
Question: Cities create climatic conditions of their own through their physical structure and urban activities。

Answer Choices
1。 The amount of heat produced in a city will be reduced when cities use the heat from cars to warm houses。
2。 The built up landscape of the city readily bees a heat island; with greater water runoff and special climatic conditions such as low relative humidity and increased air turbulence。
3。 The materials from which cities are built and the effects of pollution domes help make urban areas warmer than rural areas。
4。 Cities tend to be warmer than their surrounding areas; in part because they produce heat by burning fuel for heating; powering vehicles; and industrial production。
5。 In most cities; the heating that results from solar radiation is intensified by carbon dioxide; a gas that is present at very high concentrations in cities’ atmospheres。
6。 During periods without rainfall; the air in cities heats up and causes winds to slow down with the result that pollutants are not dispersed。

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Part 3 托福阅读话题词汇

abundant[?'b?nd?nt]a。 大量的;充足的;丰富的
例句 1。 By now; the most abundant type of groundwater is meteoric water that circulates as part of the water cycle。 到目前为止,种类最丰富的地下水是大气水,它是水文循环的一部分。
2。 The early explorers and settlers said there were once abundant deer in the early 1800s and yet bemoaned the lack of game animal at that time。 早期的探险者和移民表示,这里在19世纪早期曾有大量的鹿,但令他们感到惋惜的是当时没有狩猎动物。
同义 plentiful(a。 大量的;充足的)
派生 abundantly(ad。 大量地;丰富地)
absorption[?b'z?:rp?n]n。 吸收;专心致志
例句 In this area; water absorption of the rock is greatly reduced; thus runoff is increased; resulting in accelerated erosion rates。 在这个地区,岩石的吸水率急剧下降,因此导致水土流失的加剧,造成腐蚀速度的加快。
2。 Due to the plete absorption in the research; he found the answer finally。 由于全心投入研究,他最终找到了答案。
同义 assimilation; reception(n。 吸收)
accumulation[??kju:mj?'lei?n]n。 积累;堆积物
例句 1。 Ecosystems include the circulation; transformation; and accumulation of energy and matter through the medium of living things and their activities。 生态系统包括以其中的生物及其活动为媒介的能量和物质的循环、转化和积累。
2。 A number of members of the mustard family; spurge family; legume family; and grass family are top hyper accumulators; most of them are found in tropical and subtropical areas where accumulation of high concentrations of metals may provide some protection against plant…eating insects and microbial pathogens。 许多十字花科、大戟科、豆科以及禾本科的植物都是超积累植物;它们中的多数可在热带及亚热带地区生长,在这些地区,高浓度的金属元素积累可以为这些植物提供保障来抵抗那些以植物为食的昆虫和微生物致病体。
同义 amassing; cumulation(n。 积累)
altitude['?ltitu:d]n。 海拔,高度;[常 pl。]高处
搭配 pressure altitude 压力高度
例句 1。 The trees at high altitudes with deformed shapes show that wind velocity; which increases with altitude; can cause serious hardship for trees。 生长在高海拔地区的畸形树木可以显示风速随着海拔的上升而加强,会给树木生长带来严重影响。
2。 The increase of altitude leads to a sharp decrease in the number of trees。 随着海拔的升高,树木的数量急剧减少。
3。 This plant failed to transport water to the area of high altitudes。 这家工厂无法把水运送到高海拔地区。
同义 height(n。 高度)
aquifer['?kwif?r]n。 含水土层;蓄水层
搭配 confined aquifer 承压含水层
例句 1。 An aquifer is a kind of underground layer of rock or sediment; with blowholes or holes in it。 含水土层是一种有气孔或小洞的由岩石或沉淀物构成的地下层。
2。 Water does not keep steady in an aquifer but can leak out at springs or leak into other aquifers。 水不会一直稳定地存在于含水层里,而是会渗漏到泉水中,或流入其他的含水层里。
3。 The geologist estimates that with the rates of current withdrawal; much of the aquifer will dry up within decades。 这位地质学家估计,以目前抽取地下水的速率来看,许多含水土层将在几十年内干涸。
asteroid['?st?r?id]n。 小行星
例句 Some scientists presume that the extinction of dinosaurs was the result of an asteroid collision with Earth。 一些科学家假设恐龙的灭绝是小行星撞击地球造成的后果。
同义 planetoid(n。 小行星)
biome['baioum]n。 生物群系
搭配 aquatic biome 水生生物群
例句 1。 This scientist's arguments aiming at climax and biome are suitable for ecosystems。 这位科学家针对顶级群落和生物群系的论点适用于生态系统。
2。 This resulted in the biome that bines coexisting flora with fauna。 这导致了“生物群系”的形成,包括共生植物区系及动物区系的结合。
blooming['blu:mi?]a。 盛开的
例句 1。 The seeds of grasses and flowers; as well as the blooming trees made up the long trips to these islands。 花草的种子和繁盛的树木构成了通往这些岛屿的漫长旅途。
2。 The angiosperm; one type of seed…bearing plant; includes all forms of blooming vegetation。 被子植物包括所有的开花植物,是种子植物的一种。
同义 bloomy(a。 盛开的)
branch[br?n?]n。 树枝;分部;分支
例句 With snow falling on the ground; the bushy understory is uncovered; meanwhile snow and wind bring down leafy branches of cedar; hemlock; red alder; and other arboreal fodder。 随着大雪落地,浓密的林下叶层露了出来;同时,雪和风还使雪松、铁杉树、赤杨树和其他树木的枝干掉落下来。
同义 sticks(n。 树枝)
browse[brauz]v。 吃嫩叶或草;浏览 n。 浏览;吃草
例句 1。 Biologists believe that it is necessary to find another open area with browse immediately。 生物学家认为必须尽快找到另一块开放的牧草地。
2。 The sales would be hopefully promoted if the customers browse the website。 如果顾客浏览该网站,销售额就有望得到提升。
同义 scan(v。 浏览)
carnivore['kɑ:rniv?:r]n。 食肉动物
例句 1。 At last; just like other carnivores; this kind of viper occupies a higher position on the food chain。 最终,这种毒蛇如同其他食肉动物一样,在食物链中占据了较高的位置。
2。 The reduced level of photosynthesis resulted in a massive decline in plant life and then caused massive starvation; at first herbivores and subsequently carnivores。 光合作用水平的减弱导致了植物寿命的严重缩短,进而导致了大规模的饥荒,首先是食草动物,随后也影响到了食肉动物。
3。 Bears; tigers; lions and wolves are all defined as carnivores。 熊、老虎、狮子以及狼都被定义为食肉动物。
同类 其他种类的生物:herbivore 食草动物;scavenger 食腐动物;omnivore 杂食动物
chondrule['kandrul]n。 陨石球粒
例句 A few chondrules surviving the melting must have formed when pact masses of nebular dust were fused at high temperatures approaching 1;700 degrees Celsius。 那些少数没有融化的陨石球粒一定是在紧密的星云尘埃物被1700摄氏度的高温熔化时形成的。
要点 c
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