花样年华 第一章(1)
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Teacher Debbie Moon’s first graders were discussing a picture of a family。
One little boy in the picture had a different color hair from the other family members。 One child suggested that maybe he was adopted。
A little girl named Jocelyn Jay said; “I know all about adoptions; because I was adopted。”
“What does it mean to be adopted? ” asked another child。
Jocelyn replied;“It means that you grew in your mommy’s heart instead of her tummy。”
Scotsman & Ticket Collector
A Scotsman; carrying a huge suitcase; has been riding a London bus for five miles along its route; all the while attempting to avoid the ticket collector。
Finally; the conductor manages to corner him and tells him to pay up:“You’ve been on for five miles—that’ll be 50 pennies; please; and 10 pennies for your suitcase。”
The Scotsman responds:“I haven’t; I want to have a penny fare; just got on this very moment。” They begin to argue; and the ticket collector bee more and more enraged and finally; as the bus is passing over London bridge; he grabs the Scotsman’s suitcase; and hurls it out of the bus。
It lands in the river and sinks without a trace。 The Scotsman stands shocked for a moment and says to the ticket collector; “Not only are you treat to overcharge me for the ticket—but now you’re gone a drowned my boy Jenny。”
Five Languages
Charles Berlitz; whose grandfather Maximilian D。 Berlitz inaugurated the Berlitz method of foreign language teaching in 1878; grew accustomed to hearing five languages at home。 His mother spoke to him only in French。 His grandparents stuck to German; and a cousin used just Spanish。 The cook used English and the housekeeper spoke in Gaelic。。 最好的txt下载网
花样年华 第一章(2)
He found nothing remarkable in this。“I just thought that different people spoke in different ways;” he says。
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Frequent hand…washing in my job as a medical technologist and the harsh Alaskan weather bined to give me very dry skin。 One night as I prepared for bed; I rubbed my hands with petroleum jelly and covered them with a pair of old white gloves。
As I sat in bed reading a book with my gloves on; my husband finished showering and came into the room。 Drying himself off; he went to the closet; selected a tie and began putting it on。
“What are you doing?” I asked。
“Well;” he replied; “if you’re going to be formal; so am I。”
然而吃完饭回来却发现卡车的影子让伪装好的车子暴露无遗,他感到吃惊而又焦虑。随着太阳的西落,影子变得越来越长。他一动不动地看着影子,头脑里一片空白。 这时,一位军官走了过来, 毫无疑问,他也看见了影子。
“喂,”他对那位可怜的司机喊道,“你打算怎么办? 如果敌机飞过,飞行员一眼就能看出这是一辆卡车。”
“我该怎么办呢?长官?” 可怜的司机问。
Cover the Shadow with Sand
The soldiers had just moved to the desert; and as they had never been in such a place before; they had a lot to learn。
As there were no trees or buildings in the desert; it was; of course; very hard to hide their tracks from enemy。 The soldiers were therefore given training in camouflage; which means ways of covering something so that the enemy cannot see where it is。 They were shown how to paint their trucks in irregular patterns with pale green; yellow; and brown paints; and then to cover them with nets to which they had tied small pieces of cloth。
The driver who had the biggest truck went to lot of trouble to camouflage it。 He spent several hours painting it; preparing a net and searching for some heavy rocks with which to hold the net down。 When it was all finished; he looked proudly at his work and then went off to have his lunch。
花样年华 第一章(3)
But when he came back to the truck after he had had his meal; he was surprised and worried to see that his cannot flage work was pletely spoilt by the truck’s shadow; which was growing longer and longer as the afternoon advanced。 He stood looking at it; not knowing what to do about it。
Soon an officer arrived; and he too saw the shadow; of course。
“Well;” he shouted to the poor driver; “what are you going to do about it? If an enemy plane es over; the pilot will at once know that there is a truck there。”
“I know; sir;” answered the soldier。
“Well; don’t just stand there doing nothing!” said the officer。
“What shall I do; sir?” asked the poor driver。
“Get your spade and throw some sand over the shadow; of course!” answered the officer。
A Gentle Reminder
Having been married a long time; my husband sometimes needs a gentle reminder of a special occasion。 On the morning of our 35th anniversary; we were sitting at the breakfast table when I hinted; “Honey; do you realize that we’ve been sitting in these same two seats for exactly 35 years?”
Putting down the newspaper; he looked straight at me and said; “So; you want to switch seats?”
Where Am I
Nat lived in a small town in England。 He always stayed in England for his holidays; but then last year he thought; “I’ve never been outside this country。 All my friends go to Spain; and they like it very much; so this year I’m going to go there too。”
First he went to Madrid and stayed in a small hotel for a few days。 On the first morning he went out for a walk。 In England people drive on the left; but in Spain they drive on the right。 Nat forgot about this; and while he was crossing a busy street; a bicycle knocked him down。
Nat lay on the ground for a few seconds and then he sat up and said:“Where am I?” An old man was selling maps at the side of the street; and he at once came to Nat and said;“Map of the city; sir?”
一个男孩哭着对他的母亲说:“所有的小朋友都嘲笑我,说我有一个大脑袋。” 电子书 分享网站
花样年华 第一章(4)
A Boy with a Big Head
A boy cried to his mother; “All the children make fun of me。 They say I have a big head。”
“Don’t listen to them;” his mother said; “You have a beautiful head。 Now stop cr
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