


圣经旧约(中英对照)- 第486部分

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Because they had not executed my judgments; but had despised my statutes; and had polluted my sabbaths; and their eyes were after their fathers' idols。
Wherefore I gave them also statutes that were not good; and judgments whereby they should not live;
And I polluted them in their own gifts; in that they caused to pass through the fire all that openeth the womb; that I might make them desolate; to the end that they might know that I am the LORD。
Therefore; son of man; speak unto the house of Israel; and say unto them; Thus saith the Lord GOD; Yet in this your fathers have blasphemed me; in that they have mitted a trespass against me。
For when I had brought them into the land; for the which I lifted up mine hand to give it to them; then they saw every high hill; and all the thick trees; and they offered there their sacrifices; and there they presented the provocation of their offering: there also they made their sweet savour; and poured out there their drink offerings。
Then I said unto them; What is the high place whereunto ye go? And the name thereof is called Bamah unto this day。
Wherefore say unto the house of Israel; Thus saith the Lord GOD; Are ye polluted after the manner of your fathers? and mit ye whoredom after their abominations?
For when ye offer your gifts; when ye make your sons to pass through the fire; ye pollute yourselves with all your idols; even unto this day: and shall I be enquired of by you; O house of Israel? As I live; saith the Lord GOD; I will not be enquired of by you。
And that which eth into your mind shall not be at all; that ye say; We will be as the heathen; as the families of the countries; to serve wood and stone。
As I live; saith the Lord GOD; surely with a mighty hand; and with a stretched out arm; and with fury poured out; will I rule over you:
And I will bring you out from the people; and will gather you out of the countries wherein ye are scattered; with a mighty hand; and with a stretched out arm; and with fury poured out。
And I will bring you into the wilderness of the people; and there will I plead with you face to face。
Like as I pleaded with your fathers in the wilderness of the land of Egypt; so will I plead with you; saith the Lord GOD。
And I will cause you to pass under the rod; and I will bring you into the bond of the covenant:
And I will purge out from among you the rebels; and them that transgress against me: I will bring them forth out of the country where they sojourn; and they shall not enter into the land of Israel: and ye shall know that I am the LORD。
As for you; O house of Israel; thus saith the Lord GOD; Go ye; serve ye every one his idols; and hereafter also; if ye will not hearken unto me: but pollute ye my holy name no more with your gifts; and with your idols。
For in mine holy mountain; in the mountain of the height of Israel; saith the Lord GOD; there shall all the house of Israel; all of them in the land; serve me: there will I accept them; and there will I require your offerings; and the firstfruits of your oblations; with all your holy things。
I will accept you with your sweet savour; when I bring you out from the people; and gather you out of the countries wherein ye have been scattered; and I will be sanctified in you before the heathen。
And ye shall know that I am the LORD; when I shall bring you into the land of Israel; into the country for the which I lifted up mine hand to give it to your fathers。
And there shall ye remember your ways; and all your doings; wherein ye have been defiled; and ye shall lothe yourselves in your own sight for all your evils that ye have mitted。
And ye shall know that I am the LORD; when I have wrought with you for my name's sake; not according to your wicked ways; nor according to your corrupt doings; O ye house of Israel; saith the Lord GOD。
Moreover the word of the LORD came unto me; saying;
Son of man; set thy face toward the south; and drop thy word toward the south; and prophesy against the forest of the south field;
And say to the forest of the south; Hear the word of the LORD; Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold; I will kindle a fire in thee; and it shall devour every green tree in thee; and every dry tree: the flaming flame shall not be quenched; and all faces from the south to the north shall be burned therein。
And all flesh shall see that I the LORD have kindled it: it shall not be quenched。
Then said I; Ah Lord GOD! they say of me; Doth he not speak parables?

旧约  以西结书(Ezekiel)  第 21 章 ( 本篇共有 48 章 ) 7上一章 下一章8 目录
And the word of the LORD came unto me; saying;
Son of man; set thy face toward Jerusalem; and drop thy word toward the holy places; and prophesy against the land of Israel;
And say to the land of Israel; Thus saith the LORD; Behold; I am against thee; and will draw forth my sword out of his sheath; and will cut off from thee the righteous and the wicked。
Seeing then that I will cut off from thee the righteous and the wicked; therefore shall my sword go forth out of his sheath against all flesh from the south to the north:
That all flesh may know that I the LORD have drawn forth my sword out of his sheath: it shall not return any more。
Sigh therefore; thou son of man; with the breaking of thy loins; and with bitterness sigh before their eyes。
And it shall be; when they say unto thee; Wherefore sighest thou? that thou shalt answer; For the tidings; because it eth: and every heart shall melt; and all hands shall be feeble; and every spirit shall faint; and all knees shall be weak as water: behold; it eth; and shall be brought to pass; saith the Lord GOD。
Again the word of the LORD came unto me; saying;
Son of man; prophesy; and say; Thus saith the LORD; Say; A sword; a sword is sharpened; and also furbished:
It is sharpened to make a sore slaughter; it is furbished that it may glitter: should we then make mirth? it contemneth the rod of my son; as every tree。
And he hath given it to be furbished; that it may be handled: this sword is sharpened; and it is furbished; to give it into the hand of the slayer。
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