


圣经旧约(中英对照)- 第265部分

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And when they came unto the threshingfloor of Chidon; Uzza put forth his hand to hold the ark; for the oxen stumbled。
And the anger of the LORD was kindled against Uzza; and he smote him; because he put his hand to the ark: and there he died before God。
And David was displeased; because the LORD had made a breach upon Uzza: wherefore that place is called Perezuzza to this day。
And David was afraid of God that day; saying; How shall I bring the ark of God home to me?
So David brought not the ark home to himself to the city of David; but carried it aside into the house of Obededom the Gittite。
And the ark of God remained with the family of Obededom in his house three months。 And the LORD blessed the house of Obededom; and all that he had。

旧约  历代记上(1 Chronicles)  第 14 章 ( 本篇共有 29 章 ) 7上一章 下一章8 目录
Now Hiram king of Tyre sent messengers to David; and timber of cedars; with masons and carpenters; to build him an house。
And David perceived that the LORD had confirmed him king over Israel; for his kingdom was lifted up on high; because of his people Israel。
And David took more wives at Jerusalem: and David begat more sons and daughters。
Now these are the names of his children which he had in Jerusalem; Shammua; and Shobab; Nathan; and Solomon;
And Ibhar; and Elishua; and Elpalet;
And Nogah; and Nepheg; and Japhia;
And Elishama; and Beeliada; and Eliphalet。
And when the Philistines heard that David was anointed king over all Israel; all the Philistines went up to seek David。 And David heard of it; and went out against them。
And the Philistines came and spread themselves in the valley of Rephaim。
And David enquired of God; saying; Shall I go up against the Philistines? And wilt thou deliver them into mine hand? And the LORD said unto him; Go up; for I will deliver them into thine hand。
So they came up to Baalperazim; and David smote them there。 Then David said; God hath broken in upon mine enemies by mine hand like the breaking forth of waters: therefore they called the name of that place Baalperazim。
And when they had left their gods there; David gave a mandment; and they were burned with fire。
And the Philistines yet again spread themselves abroad in the valley。
Therefore David enquired again of God; and God said unto him; Go not up after them; turn away from them; and e upon them over against the mulberry trees。
And it shall be; when thou shalt hear a sound of going in the tops of the mulberry trees; that then thou shalt go out to battle: for God is gone forth before thee to smite the host of the Philistines。
David therefore did as God manded him: and they smote the host of the Philistines from Gibeon even to Gazer。
And the fame of David went out into all lands; and the LORD brought the fear of him upon all nations。

旧约  历代记上(1 Chronicles)  第 15 章 ( 本篇共有 29 章 ) 7上一章 下一章8 目录
And David made him houses in the city of David; and prepared a place for the ark of God; and pitched for it a tent。
Then David said; None ought to carry the ark of God but the Levites: for them hath the LORD chosen to carry the ark of God; and to minister unto him for ever。
And David gathered all Israel together to Jerusalem; to bring up the ark of the LORD unto his place; which he had prepared for it。
And David assembled the children of Aaron; and the Levites:
Of the sons of Kohath; Uriel the chief; and his brethren an hundred and twenty:
Of the sons of Merari; Asaiah the chief; and his brethren two hundred and twenty:
Of the sons of Gershom; Joel the chief; and his brethren an hundred and thirty:
Of the sons of Elizaphan; Shemaiah the chief; and his brethren two hundred:
Of the sons of Hebron; Eliel the chief; and his brethren fourscore:
Of the sons of Uzziel; Amminadab the chief; and his brethren an hundred and twelve。
And David called for Zadok and Abiathar the priests; and for the Levites; for Uriel; Asaiah; and Joel; Shemaiah; and Eliel; and Amminadab;
And said unto them; Ye are the chief of the fathers of the Levites: sanctify yourselves; both ye and your brethren; that ye may bring up the ark of the LORD God of Israel unto the place that I have prepared for it。
For because ye did it not at the first; the LORD our God made a breach upon us; for that we sought him not after the due order。
So the priests and the Levites sanctified themselves to bring up the ark of the LORD God of Israel。
And the children of the Levites bare the ark of God upon their shoulders with the staves thereon; as Moses manded according to the word of the LORD。
And David spake to the chief of the Levites to appoint their brethren to be the singers with instruments of musick; psalteries and harps and cymbals; sounding; by lifting up the voice with joy。
So the Levites appointed Heman the son of Joel; and of his brethren; Asaph the son of Berechiah; and of the sons of Merari their brethren; Ethan the son of Kushaiah;
And with them their brethren of the second degree; Zechariah; Ben; and Jaaziel; and Shemiramoth; and Jehiel; and Unni; Eliab; and Benaiah; and Maaseiah; and Mattithiah; and Elipheleh; and Mikneiah; and Obededom; and Jeiel; the porters。
So the singers; Heman; Asaph; and Ethan; were appointed to sound with cymbals of brass;
And Zechariah; and Aziel; and Shemiramoth; and Jehiel; and Unni; and Eliab; and Maaseiah; and Benaiah; with psalteries on Alamoth;
And Mattithiah; and Elipheleh; and Mikneiah; and Obededom; and Jeiel; and Azaziah; with harps on the Sheminith to excel。
And Chenaniah; chief of the Levites; was for song: he instructed about the song; because he was skilful。
And Berechiah and Elkanah were doorkeepers for the ark。
And Shebaniah; and Jehoshaphat; and Nethaneel; and Amasai; and Zechariah; and Benaiah; and Eliezer; the priests; did blow with the trumpets before the ark of God: and Obededom and Jehiah were doorkeepers for the ark。
So David; and the elders of Israel; and the 
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