


古希腊神话故事- 第4部分

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named jason。he was by birth a prince。his father aeson was once king of
iolcus,but was overthrown by his own half brother pelias。so he sent his
baby son jason to the centaur for safekeeping。as a boy jason took part
in the boarhunt。when he grew up into a strong youth he was told of the
secret of his birth。so he went to avenge his father''s wrongs 。 on his
way back to his native city he met a weak old woman waiting to be helped
across a mountain stream。kind and polite,jason carried the old lady on
his back and walked across the stream。little had he thought that the old
woman was just hera herself 。thus he got the help and protection of a
power fulfriend at the beginning of his life。as he lost one shoe in the
stream he had to enter pelias'' palace in only one shoe。 pelias was quite
scared to see such a stranger because he had been warned by a prophet
to be careful of a man wearing only one shoe。he was not surprised when
jason told him who he was and what his business was about。the artful pelias
weled hisnephew with false pride and joy ;he promised to give up the
kingdom to one who had proved himself worthy of it。and heurged the youth
to bring the golden fleece back from colchis。he felt quite certain that
his nephew would never e back alivefrom the hopeless task。pelias''
prediction was quite right。jasondied a poor death in the kingdom of colchis。
杰森半人半马的怪物(centaur )既英明又公正。他的学生中有个名叫杰森的男
异母兄弟珀利阿斯夺去了。因此他把还在襁褓中的儿子送给centaur 照料。还是


    ' 中英文对照' 古希腊神话故事:伊俄

    Io io was the daughter of a rivergod。she was loved,run after and
won by zeus。hera became so greeneyed that she flew down from olympus one
day to pay her rival back 。zeus ,however ,had foreseen her arrival and
changed io into abeautiful white little cow。seeing through the trick,
hera asked for the cow as a present and zeus had to give in to her wish
。then she left the cow to the care of a hundredeyed monster ,argus。argus''
eyes were ever open and no escape was possible。unable to bear to see her
so unhappy,zeus sent hermes down todestroy the monster。dressed up as
a shepherd,hermes lulled argus to sleep with his sweet songs and long
stories ,then killed him and set io free。but hera''s anger was not to
be calmed downyet。she sent a gadfly to attack the cow and drive her from
land to land。in her misery the cow passed over the strait which divides
europe and asia。in this way the strip of water got itsname bosporus ,
the way of the cow。she wandered over thesea ,which by chance got from
her its name the ionian sea 。in the end she arrived in egypt where she
was turned back into hernatural form 。she settled down and gave birth
to a son,some of her children remained in egypt and ruled as kings for
a longtime。 伊俄伊俄是河神的女儿,宙斯爱她、追求她、并得到了她。赫拉对

    ' 中英文对照' 古希腊神话故事:海妖塞壬

    The Sirens far out in the sea there was an island ,on the rocky edge
of which lived three sirens ,the three sisters of magic song。half human
and half bird ,the siren sisters sat in a field of flowers ,singing
in voices that excited the hearts of men。the attractive songs were so
sweet that ships were attracted to the island and struck to pieces on
the rocks。no sailor nor ship had ever been known to pass the island of
the sirens without being attracted to disaster 。 acting on the advice
of circe,odysseus took careful preparation against the sirens。before
their ships came to where they could hear the song,odysseus had himself
tied to the mast,stopped the ears of his men with wax and ordered them
to ignorehis orders and gestures when they were passing the fatal is land。
soon they came in sight of the rocky is land,and the attractive song
reached the ears of odysseus。it moved him so much that he struggled in
despair to free himself and shouted for his men to turn towards the rich
and flowery grass land of the singing sisters。but no one paid any attention
to him。the sailorskept straight on until they were pletely out of hearing。then
his friends freed him and took the wax out of their ears。for once the
sirens had sung with no effects。the eldest of the sisters ,partherope,
loved odysseus so much that she threw herself into the sea after his ships
had passed。 海妖塞壬遥远的海面上有一岛屿,石崖边居住着唱魔歌的海妖塞壬

    ' 中英文对照' 古希腊神话故事:赫克犹巴

    Hecuba he cuba''s life was one of grief and sorrow。she saw withher
own eyes her eldest born hector killed and insulted by achilles。she saw
her son polites slain in front of her by pyrrhus。and she saw her husband,
the aged priam,dragged towards the household altar and ruthlessly butchered
there。after the fall of troy she was carried into slavery 。shehad the
misfortune to witness her daughter polyxena ,her soleconsolation in bondage ,
sacrificed at the tomb of achilles。she had the sad fate to see washed
ashore the corpse of her young estson polydorus ,who had been entrusted
to the thracian king for safekeeping。with her fifty children all dead
she became thequeen of sorrows from whom no other woman could obtain the
crown 。yet in her distress and despair,she plucked up hercourage to avenge
herself upon the thracian king,who had murdered her son in order to get
her son''s gold。later ,as dionysushad prophesied ,she was transformed
into a dog with bloodshoteyes and ,unable to endure the new misery ,
she leapt into thesea and thus ended her unfortunate life。赫克犹巴赫克


    ' 中英文对照' 古希腊神话故事:四个时代

    The Four Ages there had been four ages since the human world first
cameinto being 。they are the golden age ,the silver age,the age of bronze
and the age of iron。the golden agewas the best of all。it was an age when
kronus sat on thethrone。generous nature met all the needs of men 。there
wereno extremes of cold and heat。and the evils of the human worldwere
still kept in the cask。epimetheus guarded the cask and pandora was not
yet made to open。men lived a happy life。they were forever young。t
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