〃I could torture you for a few years and discover as much;〃 the priest said。 〃Or; for that matter; having agreed to ask the Masked Lord your questions; I might not see fit to share the answers。〃
〃True; perhaps;〃 Quenthel said; 〃though I think you might find that we are far from helpless; even with our weapons back in our chambers。 Before we make a trial of that; let us see if we can reach an agreement of sorts。〃
〃She's bluffing;〃 Jezz remarked。 〃Why deal with these venomous creatures? Spare your friend if you like; but slay the priestesses at once。〃
〃Patience; young Jezz。 There is always time for that later;〃 Tzirik said。 He paced away; then looked back to Quenthel。 〃What is it you wish to learn?〃
Quenthel squared her shoulders and met the priest's gaze evenly。
〃We wish to know what has bee of Lolth;〃 she said。 〃The goddess refuses us our spells; and has done so for many months now。 Since we do not have access to the magic she normally grants us; we have no way to ask her ourselves。〃
〃Your fickle goddess is testing you;〃 Tzirik said with a laugh。 〃She's withholding your spells simply to see how long you remain loyal。〃
〃So we thought at first;〃 Quenthel said; 〃but it has been nearly four months now; and we can only conclude that it is her will that we should seek the answer for ourselves。〃
〃Why ask a priest of Vhaeraun?〃 Jezz asked。 〃Surely the priestesses of a neighboring city could be persuaded to intervene on your behalf。〃
〃They have lost contact with the goddess; too;〃 Danifae answered。 〃I came from Ched Nasad; where we had experienced the same silence as the priestesses of Menzoberranzan。 We have reason to believe that all the drow cities throughout the Underdark are in the same situation。 Lolth is speaking to no one; drow and lesser races alike。〃
〃That would explain the retreat of Maerimydra;〃 Jezz said quietly to Tzirik。 〃If their priestesses are powerless; they might be too busy with their own difficulties to cause any trouble for us。〃
〃The facts would seem to fit;〃 Tzirik replied。 He turned his attention to Pharaun。 〃What of your vaunted wizards? Could they not summon up demons and devils aplenty and question them as to your goddess's mysterious silence; or use divination spells of their own?〃
〃We found that the infernal powers knew little more than we did;〃 Pharaun said。 〃It seems as if Lolth has barred contact with the neighboring layers of the Abyss; sealing the borders of her realm against other powers。〃 He raised his thumb…bound hands and made a small self…deprecatory gesture。 〃That is what I surmised from the reports of my colleagues investigating the matter; at any length。 I did not do so personally; as the archmage has instructed me not to conjure such beings on pain of a particularly grotesque death。〃
Tzirik studied the Menzoberranyr; then paced over to consult with Jezz。 The two Jaelre spoke together quietly; while the Menzoberranyr waited。 Ryld surreptitiously studied the guards nearby; calculating which of them he could disarm in order to provide himself with a weapon if it came to that。 He still wore his dwarven breastplate; and felt reasonably confident that he could wrest a halberd away from one of the guards before he was run through…though it might be a better move to use his belt knife to sever Pharaun's bonds as the first step in any kind of fight。
He was interrupted in his planning when Tzirik and Jezz returned to the pany。
〃I will intercede with Vhaeraun on your behalf;〃 the high priest of the Jaelre said; 〃not least because I; too; would like to know what Lolth is up to。 However; I think it is fair to expect a service for a service; and as you have approached me and not the other way around; I will seek Vhaeraun's guidance only after you have pleted your task。〃
〃Fine;〃 grated Quenthel。 〃What do you wish us to do?〃
〃Three days west of here lie the ruins of Myth Drannor; once the capital of the old surface elf realm of Cormanthyr;〃 Tzirik said。 〃During the course of our exploration of the ruins; we have e to suspect that a book containing secret and powerful lore…the Geildirion of Cimbar…is buried in the secret library of a ruined wizard's tower。 We have need of the knowledge that is in the Geildirion; for it will help us to master the ancient magical wards our long…lost surface cousins raised about their realm。 Unfortunately; demons; devils; and fiends of all kinds plague the city's ruins; and the tower itself is home to an unusually powerful beholder mage。 We have sent two expeditions to the tower; but the beholder destroyed or drove off our scouts with ease。 I have no wish to throw away the lives of more of my charges; but I would dearly like to possess that book。 Since you seem to be the best Menzoberranzan has to offer; perhaps you can succeed where our warriors have so far failed。 Bring me the Geildirion; and I will seek Vhaeraun's insight regarding Lolth's silence。〃
〃Done;〃 Quenthel replied。 〃Provide us a guide to this place; and we will get your book for you。〃
Jezz laughed softly and said; 〃You might not be so quick to agree; if you knew how dangerous the beholder really is。 You will earn our aid; that is for certain。〃
At nightfall; Seyll; acpanied by a young drow woman and a pale elf maiden; came for Halisstra。 The priestess of Eilistraee was armed and armored beneath her green cloak; a long sword at her hip。 She wore high leather boots; and carried a bundle under one arm。
〃It's raining;〃 she said as she entered the cell; 〃but our senior priestesses say it will be clear later on; when the moon rises。 Tonight we will go to honor our goddess。〃
Halisstra shifted in her chains and rose。
〃I will not honor Eilistraee;〃 she said。
〃You need not participate。 I am simply offering you the opportunity to observe and draw your own conclusions。 You challenged me to demonstrate that my goddess is not a cruel or jealous one。 I stand ready to offer proof。〃
〃Doubtless you think to ensnare me with some beguiling enchantments;〃 Halisstra said。 〃Do not think I will be duped so easily。〃
〃No one will attempt to work any magic on you;〃 Seyll replied。 She set down her bundle and unwrapped it。 Inside was a large leather case; boots; and a cloak not unlike her own。 〃I have brought your lyre; in the hopes that you might honor us with a song if you feel so inclined。〃
〃I doubt you will take much pleasure in the bae'qeshel songs;〃 Halisstra said。
〃We will see;〃 the priestess said。 〃You've been manacled here for three days; and I'm offering you a chance to get out of your cell。〃
〃Only to be returned here when you're done hectoring me about your goddess。〃
〃As we discussed before; you need only offer Lord Dessaer an accounting of yourself to be free;〃 Seyll said。 She produced a set of keys and dangled them in front of Halisstra。 〃Xarra and Feliane are here to help me escort you safely to and from the spot of our ceremony tonight; and I'm afraid I must insist on keeping your hands bound。〃
Halisstra glanced at the other two women。 They wore chain mail beneath their cloaks; too; and also carried swords at their hips。 She had little wish to watch some meaningless drivel in Eilistraee's name; but Seyll offered her a chance to get out of her cell。 At the very worst; Seyll's vigilance would not lapse; and no opportunities for escape would arise; leaving Halisstra no worse for wear。 At best; Seyll and her fellow clerics might make a mistake that Halisstra could capitalize on。
In either case; she would at least have an opportunity to spy out some of the town and the surrounding forest; which might e in useful if a chance to escape came up later…and there was always the chance of that。
〃Very well;〃 she said。
Seyll unlocked Halisstra's manacles; and helped the Melarn priestess to don the winter clothing and cloak she'd brought。 She knotted a strong silver cord around Halisstra's hands; and the small party left the palace dungeons and ascended into a cold; rain…spattered night。
Elventree was not really a town; nor an outpost; nor an encampment; but something in between。 Ruined walls of white stone crisscrossed the place; hinting at the old ramparts and broad squares of a good…sized surface town; but most were crumbling with age。 Many of the original buildings were nothing more than empty shells; but a number of them seemed to have been appropriated by the town's current residents; who had covered the old buildings with wooden latticework or permanent tents in order to turn the proud old structures into humble; semi…permanent woodsmen's homes。 Great gnarled trees rose from the cracked pavement of ancient courtyards; and many structures actually stood well off the ground in their mighty branches; linked by swaying catwalks of silver rope and white planks。 A handful of the town's original buildings still stood more or less intact。
Halisstra saw that she had been imprisoned beneath an old watch…tower。 Across the square an elegant palace rose through the trees; illuminated by hundreds of soft lanterns。 Lord Dessaer's palace; she surmised。 The sound of distant song and laughter drifted throug