《2 new+moon新月》



2 new+moon新月- 第58部分

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〃Is Jasper here? Did he e with your'〃 

She shook her head。 〃He didn't approve of my interfering。 We promised…〃 she trailed off; and then her 
tone changed。 〃And you think Charlie won't mind my being here?〃 she asked; sounding worried。 

〃Charlie thinks you're wonderful; Alice。〃 

〃Well; we're about to find out。〃 

Sure enough; a few seconds later I heard the cruiser pull into the driveway。 I jumped up and hurried to 
open the door。 

Charlie trudged slowly up the walk; his eyes on the ground and his shoulders slumped。 I walked forward 

to meet him; he didn't even see me until I hugged him around the waist。 He embraced me back fiercely。 

〃I'm so sorry about Harry; Dad。〃 

〃I'm really going to miss him;〃 Charlie mumbled。 

〃How's Sue doing?〃 

〃She seems dazed; like she hasn't grasped it yet。 Sam's staying with her…〃 The volume of his voice faded 
in and out。 〃Those poor kids。 Leah's just a year older than you; and Seth is only fourteen…〃 He shook 
his head。 

He kept his arms tight around me as he started toward the door again。 

〃Um; Dad?〃 I figured I'd better warn him。 〃You'll never guess who's here。〃 

He looked at me blankly。 His head swiveled around; and he spied the Mercedes across the street; the 
porch light reflecting off the glossy black paint。 Before he could react; Alice was in the doorway。 

〃Hi; Charlie;〃 she said in a subdued voice。 〃I'm sorry I came at such a bad time。〃 

〃Alice Cullen?〃 he peered at the slight figure in front of him as if he doubted what his eyes were telling 
him。 〃Alice; is that you?〃 

〃It's me;〃 she confirmed。 〃I was in the neighborhood。〃 

〃Is Carlisle…?〃 

〃No; I'm alone。〃 

Both Alice and I knew he wasn't really asking about Carlisle。 His arm tightened over my shoulder。 

〃She can stay here; can't she?〃 I pleaded。 〃I already asked her。〃 

〃Of course;〃 Charlie said mechanically。 〃We'd love to have you; Alice。〃 

〃Thank you; Charlie。 I know it's horrid timing。〃 

〃No; it's fine; really。 I'm going to be really busy doing what I can for Harry's family; it will be nice for 
Bella to have some pany。〃 

〃There's dinner for you on the table; Dad;〃 I told him。 

〃Thanks; Bell。〃 He gave me one more squeeze before he shuffled toward the kitchen。 

Alice went back to the couch; and I followed her。 This time; she was the one to pull me against her 

〃You look tired。〃 

〃Yeah;〃 I agreed; and shrugged。 〃Neardeath experiences do that to me… So; what does Carlisle think 
of you being here?〃 

〃He doesn't know。 He and Esme were on a hunting trip。 I'll hear from him in a few days; when he gets 

〃You won't tell him; though… when he checks in again?〃 I asked。 She knew I didn't mean Carlisle now。 

〃No。 He'd bite my head off;〃 Alice said grimly。 

I laughed once; and then sighed。 

I didn't want to sleep。 I wanted to stay up all night talking to Alice。 And it didn't make sense for me to be 
tired; what with crashing on Jacob's couch all day。 But drowning really had taken a lot out of me; and my 
eyes wouldn't stay open。 I rested my head on her stone shoulder; and drifted into a more peaceful 
oblivion than I had any hope of。 

I woke early; from a deep and dreamless sleep; feeling wellrested; but stiff。 I was on the couch tucked 
under the blankets I'd laid out for Alice; and I could hear her and Charlie talking in the kitchen。 It 
sounded like Charlie was fixing her breakfast。 

〃How bad was it; Charlie?〃 Alice asked softly; and at first I thought they were talking about the 

Charlie sighed。 〃Real bad。〃 

〃Tell me about it。 I want to know exactly what happened when we left。〃 

There was a pause while a cupboard door was closed and a dial on the stove was clicked off。 I waited; 

〃I've never felt so helpless;〃 Charlie began slowly。 〃I didn't know what to do。 That first week—I thought I 
was going to have to hospitalize her。 She wouldn't eat or drink; she wouldn't move。 Dr。 Gerandy was 
throwing around words like 'catatonic;' but I didn't let him up to see her。 I was afraid it would scare her。〃 

〃She snapped out of it though?〃 

〃I had Renee e to take her to Florida。 I just didn't want to be the one… if she had to go to a hospital 
or something。 I hoped being with her mother would help。 But when we started packing her clothes; she 
woke up with a vengeance。 I've never seen Bella throw a fit like that。 She was never one for the 
tantrums; but; boy; did she fly into a fury。 She threw her clothes everywhere and screamed that we 
couldn't make her leave—and then she finally started crying。 I thought that would be the turning point。 I 
didn't argue when she insisted on staying here… and she did seem to get better at first…〃 

Charlie trailed off。 It was hard listening to this; knowing how much pain I'd caused him。 

〃But?〃 Alice prompted。 

〃She went back to school and work; she ate and slept and did her homework。 She answered when 
someone asked her a direct question。 But she was… empty。 Her eyes were blank。 There were lots of 
little things—she wouldn't listen to music anymore; I found a bunch of CDs broken in the trash。 She didn't 
read; she wouldn't be in the same room when the TV was on; not that she watched it so much before。 I 
finally figured it out—she was avoiding everything that might remind her of… him。 

〃We could hardly talk; I was so worried about saying something that would upset her—the littlest things 
would make her flinch—and she never volunteered anything。 She would just answer if I asked her 

〃She was alone all the time。 She didn't call her friends back; and after a while; they stopped calling。 

〃It was night of the living dead around here。 I still hear her screaming in her sleep…〃 

I could almost see him shuddering。 I shuddered; too; remembering。 And then I sighed。 I hadn't fooled him 
at all; not for one second。 

〃I'm so sorry; Charlie;〃 Alice said; voice glum。 

〃It's not your fault。〃 The way he said it made it perfectly clear that he was holding someone responsible。 
〃You were always a good friend to her。〃 

〃She seems better now; though。〃 

〃Yeah。 Ever since she started hanging out with Jacob Black; I've noticed a real improvement。 She has 
some color in her cheeks when she es home; some light in her eyes。 She's happier。〃 He paused; and 
his voice was different when he spoke again。 〃He's a year or so younger than her; and I know she used 
to think of him as a friend; but I think maybe it's something more now; or headed that direction; anyway。〃 
Charlie said this in a tone that was almost belligerent。 It was a warning; not for Alice; but for her to pass 
along。 〃Jake's old for his years;〃 he continued; still sounding defensive。 〃He's taken care of his father 
physically the way Bella took care of her mother emotionally。 It matured him。 He's a goodlooking kid; 
too—takes after his mom's side。 He's good for Bella; you know;〃 Charlie insisted。 

〃Then it's good she has him;〃 Alice agreed。 

Charlie sighed out a big gust of air; folding quickly to the lack of opposition。 〃Okay; so I guess that's 
overstating things。 I don't know… even with Jacob; now and then I see something in her eyes; and I 
wonder if I've ever grasped how much pain she's really in It's not normal; Alice; and it… it frightens me。 
Not normal at all。 Not like someone… left her; but like someone died。〃 His voice cracked。 

It was like someone had died—like I had died。 Because it had been more than just losing the truest of 
true loves; as if that were not enough to kill anyone。 It was also losing a whole future; a whole 
family—the whole life that I'd chosen… 

Charlie went on in a hopeless tone。 〃I don't know if she's going to get over it—I'm not sure if it's in her 
nature to heal from something like this。 She's always been such a constant little thing。 She doesn't get past 
things; change her mind。〃 

〃She's one of a kind;〃 Alice agreed in a dry voice。 

〃And Alice…〃 Charlie hesitated。 〃Now; you know how fond I am of you; and I can tell that she's happy 
to see you; but… I'm a little worried about what your visit will do to her。〃 

〃So am I; Charlie; so am I。 I wouldn't have e if I'd had any idea。 I'm sorry。〃 

〃Don't apologize; honey。 Who knows? Maybe it will be good for her。〃 

〃I hope you're right。〃 

There was a long break while forks scraped plates and Charlie chewed。 I wondered where Alice was 
hiding the food。 

〃Alice; I have to ask you something;〃 Charlie said awkwardly。 

Alice was calm。 〃Go ahead。〃 

〃He's not ing back to visit; too; is he?〃 I could hear the suppressed anger in Charlie's voice。 

Alice answered in a soft; reassuring tone。 〃He doesn't even know I'm here。 The last time I spoke with 
him; he was in South America。〃 

I stiffened as I heard this new information; and listened harder。 

〃That's something; at least。〃 Charlie snorted。 〃Well; I hope he's enjoying himself。〃 

For the first time; Alice's voice had a bit of steel in it。 〃I wouldn't make assumptions; Charlie。〃 I knew 
how her eyes would flash when she used that tone。 

A chair scooted from the table; scraping loudly across the floor。 I pictured Charlie getting up; there
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