


璇玑之心刃·冷血悍将- 第140部分

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 into the body cavity and remove four clear…plastic envelopes of white powder; which he quickly put into his bag before reclosing the gaping hole in Duane Kendall‘s body。 It was his third and last such recovery of the day。 After spending half an hour on one more body; it was the end of his working day。 The mortician walked off to his car; a Mercury Cougar; and drove off post。 He stopped off at a Winn…Dixie supermarket to pick up a loaf of bread; and on the way out dropped some coins into a public phone。
‘Yeah?‘ Henry Tucker said; picking it up on the first ring。
‘Eight。‘ The phone clicked off。
‘Good;‘ Tucker said; really to himself; putting the receiver down。 Eight kilos from this one。 Seven from his other man; neither man knew that the other was there; and the pickups from each were done on different days of the week。 Things could pick up rapidly now that he was getting his distribution problems in hand。
The arithmetic was simple enough。 Each kilo was one thousand grams。 Each kilo would be diluted with non…toxic agents like milk sugar; which his friends obtained from a grocery…supply warehouse。 After careful mixing to ensure uniformity throughout the entire batch; others would divide the bulk powder into smaller ‘bits‘ of the drugs that could be sold in smaller batches。 The quality and burgeoning reputation of his product guaranteed a slightly higher than normal price which was anticipated by the wholesale cost he received from his white friends。
The problem would soon bee one of scale。 He‘d started his operation small; since Tucker was a careful man; and size made for greed。 That would soon bee impossible。 His supply of pure refined heroin was far more extensive than his partners knew。 They were; for now; happy that its quality was so high; and he would gradually reveal to them the magnitude of his supply; while never giving them a hint of his method of shipment; for which he regularly congratulated himself。 The sheer elegance of it was striking; even to him。 The best government estimates … he kept track of such things … of heroin imports from Europe; the ‘French‘ or ‘Sicilian‘ connection; since they could never seem to get the terminology right; amounted to roughly one metric ton of pure drugs per year。 That; Tucker judged; would have to grow; because drugs were the ing thing in American vice。 If he could bring in a mere twenty kilos of drugs per week … and his shipment modality was capable of more than that … he had that number beaten; and he didn‘t have to worry about customs inspectors。 Tucker had set up his organization with a careful eye on the security issue。 For starters; none of the important people on his team touched drugs。 To do so was death; a fact that he had made clear early on in the simplest and clearest possible way。 The distant end of the operation required only six people。 Two procured the drugs from local sources whose security was guaranteed by the usual means … large sums of cash paid to the right people。 The four on…site morticians were also very well paid and had been selected for their businesslike stability。 The United States Air Force handled transportation; reducing his costs and headaches for what was usually the most plicated and dangerous part of the import process。 The two at the receiving station were similarly careful men。 More than once; they‘d reported; circumstances had pelled them to leave the heroin in the bodies; which had been duly buried。 That was too bad; of course; but a good business was a careful business; and the street markup easily pensated for the loss。 Besides; those two knew what would happen if they even thought about diverting a few kilos for their own enterprises。
From there it was merely a matter of transport by automobile to a convenient place; and that was handled by a trusted and well…paid man who never once exceeded a speed limit。 Doing things on the Bay; Tucker thought; sipping on his beer and watching a baseball game; was his masterstroke。 In addition to all the other advantages that the location gave him; he‘d given his new partners reason to believe that the drugs were dropped off ships heading up the Chesapeake Bay to the Port of Baltimore … which they thought wonderfully clever … when in fact he transported them himself from a covert pickup point。 Angelo Vorano had proven that by buying his dumb little sailboat and offering to make a pickup。 Convincing Eddie and Tony that he‘d burned them to the police had been so easy。
With a little luck he could take over the entire East Coast heroin market for as long as Americans continued to die in Vietnam。 It was also time; he told himself; to plan for the peace that would probably break out some day。 In the meantime he needed to think about finding a way to expand his distribution work。 What he had; while it had worked; and while it had brought him to the attention of his new partners; was rapidly being outdated。 It was too small for his ambitions; and soon it would have to be restructured。 But one thing at a time。
‘Okay; it‘s official。‘ Douglas dropped the case file on the desk and looked at his boss。
‘What‘s that?‘ Lieutenant Ryan asked。
‘First; nobody saw anything。 Second; nobody knew what pimp she worked for。 Third; nobody even knows who she was。 Her father hung up on me after he said he hasn‘t talked to his daughter in four years。 That boyfriend didn‘t see shit before or after he was shot。‘ The detective sat down。
‘And the mayor‘s not interested anymore;‘ Ryan finished the case summary。
‘You know; Em; I don‘t mind running a covert investigation; but it is hurting my success rate。 What if I don‘t get promoted next board?‘
‘Funny; Tom。‘
Douglas shook his head and stared out the window。 ‘Hell; what if it really was the Dynamic Duo?‘ the sergeant asked in frustration。 The pair of shotgun robbers had killed again two nights before; this time murdering an attorney from Essex。 There had been a witness in a car fifty yards away; who had confirmed that there were two of them; which wasn‘t exactly news。 There was also a generally held belief in police work that the murder of a lawyer ought not to be a crime at all; but neither man joked about this investigation。
‘Let me know when you start believing that;‘ Ryan said quietly。 Both knew better; of course。 These two were only robbers。 They‘d killed several times; and had twice driven their victim‘s car a few blocks; but in both cases it had been a sporty car; and probably they‘d wanted no more than to have a brief fling with a nice set of wheels。 The police knew size; color; and little else。 But the Duo were businesslike crooks; and whoever had murdered Pamela Madden had wanted to make a very personal impression; or there was a new and very sick killer about; which possibility added merely one more plication to their already busy lives。
‘We were close; weren‘t we?‘ Douglas asked。 ‘This girl had names and faces; and she was an eyewitness。‘
‘But we never knew she was there until after that bonehead lost her for us;‘ Ryan said。
‘Well; he‘s back to wherever the hell he goes to; and we‘re back to where we were before; too。‘ Douglas picked up the file and walked back to his desk。
It was after dark when Kelly tied Springer up。 He looked up to note that a helicopter was overhead; probably doing something or other from the nearby naval air station。 In any case it didn‘t circle or linger。 The outside air was heavy and moist and sultry。 Inside the bunker was even worse; and it took an hour to get the air conditioning up to speed。 The ‘house‘ seemed emptier than before; for the second time in a year; the rooms automatically larger without a second person to help occupy the space。 Kelly wandered about for fifteen minutes or so。 His movements were aimless until he found himself staring at Pam‘s clothes。 Then his brain clicked in to tell him that he was looking for someone no longer there。 He took the articles of clothing and set them in a neat pile on what had once been Tish‘s dresser; and might have bee Pam‘s。 Perhaps the saddest thing of all was that there was so little of it。 The cutoffs; the halter; a few more intimate things; the flannel shirt she‘d worn at night; her well…worn shoes on top of the pile。 So little to remember her by。
Kelly sat on the edge of his bed; staring at them。 How long had it all lasted? Three weeks? Was that all? It wasn‘t a matter of checking the days on a calendar; because time wasn‘t really measured in that way。 Time was something that filled the empty spaces in your life; and his three weeks with Раm had been longer and deeper than all the time since Tish‘s death。 But all that was now a long time ago。 His hospital stay seemed like a mere blink of an eye; but it was as though it had bee a wall between that most precious part of his life and where he was now。 He could walk up to the wall and look over it at what had been; but he could never more reach out and touch it。 Life could be so cruel and memory could be a curse; the taunting reminder of what had been and what might have developed from it if only he‘d acted differently。 Worst of all; the wall between where he was and where he might have gone was one of his own construction; just as he had moments earlier piled up Pam‘s clothes
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