


璇玑之心刃·冷血悍将- 第138部分

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Kelly ran to the right; his carbine held high。 There were at least two NVA moving; armed and angry and confused enough that they weren‘t running away as they should。 The first chopper overhead was an illum bird; dropping flares that Kelly cursed; because the darkness was his best friend right now。 He spotted and hosed down one of the NVA; emptying his magazine into the running figure。 Moving right still; he switched magazines; circling around; hoping to find the other one; but his eyes lingered on the center of the ville。 People scurrying around; some of them probably hurt by his grenade; but he couldn‘t worry himself about that。 His eyes froze on the victims … worse; they stayed too long on the fire; and when he turned away; the shape of it stayed in his eyes; alternating between orange and blue ghost images that wrecked his night vision。 He could hear the roar of a Huey flared for landing close to the ville; and that was loud enough to mask even the screams of the villagers。 Kelly hid behind the wall of a hooch; eyes looking outward; away from the fire as he tried to blink them clear。 At least one more unhurt NVA was moving; and he wouldn‘t be running toward the sound of the chopper; Kelly kept heading right; more slowly now。 There was a ten…meter gap from this hooch to the next; like a corridor of light in the glow of the fire。 He looked around the corner before making the run; then took off fast; his head low for once。 His eyes caught a moving shadow; and when he turned to look; he stumbled over something and went down。
Dust flew up around him; but he couldn‘t find the source of the noise quickly enough。 Kelly rolled left to avoid the shots; but that took him towards the light。 He half stood and pushed himself backwards; hitting the wall of a hooch; eyes scanning frantically for the muzzle flashes。 There! He brought his CAR…15 to bear and fired just as two 7。62 rounds caught him in the chest。 The impact spun him around; and two more hits destroyed the carbine in his hands。 When next he looked up he was on his back; and it was quiet in the villе。 His first attempt to move achieved nothing but pain。 Then the muzzle of a rifle pressed to his chest。 
‘Over here。 Lieutenant!‘ Followed by: ‘Medic!‘ 
The world moved as they dragged him closer to the fire。 Kelly‘s head hung limply to the left; watching the soldiers sweep through the ville; two of them disarming and examining the NVA。 
‘This fucker‘s alive;‘ one of them said。
‘Oh; yeah?‘ The other walked over from the body of the eight…year…old; touched his muzzle to the NVA‘s forehead; and fired once。 
‘Fuck; Harry!‘
‘Knock that shit off!‘ the Lieutenant screamed。 
‘Look at what they done; sir!‘ Harry screamed back; falling to his knees to vomit。
‘What‘s your problem?‘ the medical corpsman asked Kelly; who was。 quite unable to reply。 ‘Oh; shit;‘ he observed further。 ‘Ell…Tee; this must be the guy who called in!‘
One more face appeared; probably the Lieutenant manding the Blue Team; and the oversized patch on his shoulder was that of the 1st Cavalry Division。
‘Lieutenant; looks all clear; sweeping the perimeter again now!‘ an older voice called。 
‘All dead?‘ 
‘That‘s affirm; sir!‘
‘Who the hell are you?‘ the Lieutenant said; looking back down。 ‘Crazy fucking Marines!‘
‘Navy!‘ Kelly gasped; spraying a little blood on the medic。
‘What?‘ Nurse O‘Toole asked。
Kelly‘s eyes opened wide。 His right arm moved rapidly across his chest as his head swiveled to survey the room。 Sandy O‘Toole was in the corner; reading a book under a single light。
‘What are you doing here?‘
‘Listening to your nightmare;‘ she answered。 ‘Second time。 You know; you really ought to …‘
‘Yeah; I know。‘
    CHAPTER 10
‘Your gun‘s in the back of the car;‘ Sergeant Douglas told him。 ‘Unloaded。 Keep it that way from now on。‘
‘What about Pam?‘ Kelly asked from his wheelchair。
‘We‘ve got some leads;‘ Douglas replied; not troubling himself to conceal the lie。
And that said it all; Kelly thought。 Someone had leaked it to the papers that Pam had an arrest record for prostitution; and with that revelation; the case had lost its immediacy。
Sam brought the Scout up to the Wolfe Street entrance himself。 The bodywork was all fixed; and there was a new window on the driver‘s side。 Kelly got out of the wheelchair and gave the Scout a long look。 The door…frame and adjacent pillar had broken up the ining shot column and saved his life。 Bad aim on someone‘s part; really; after a careful and effective stalk … helped by the fact that he hadn‘t troubled himself to check his mirrors; Kelly told himself behind a blank expression。 How had he managed to forget that? he asked himself for the thousandth time。 Such a simple thing; something he‘d stressed for every new arrival in 3rd SOG: always check your back; because there might be somebody hunting you。 Simple thing to remember; wasn‘t it?
But that was history。 And history could not be changed。
‘Back to your island; John?‘ Rosen asked。
Kelly nodded。 ‘Yeah。 I have work waiting; and I have to get myself back into shape。‘
‘I want to see you back here in; oh; two weeks; for a follow…up。‘
‘Yes; sir。 I‘ll be back;‘ Kelly promised。 He thanked Sandy O‘Toole for her care; and was rewarded with a smile。 She‘d almost bee a friend in the preceding eighteen days。 Almost? Perhaps she already was; if only he would allow himself to think in such terms。 Kelly got into his car and fixed the seat belt in place。 Goodbyes had never been his strong suit。 He nodded and smiled at them and drove off; turning right towards Mulberry Street; alone for the first time since his arrival at the hospital。
Finally。 Next to him; on the passenger seat where he‘d last seen Pam alive; was a manila envelope marked Patient Records/Bills in Sam Rosen‘s coarse handwriting。
‘God;‘ Kelly breathed; heading west。 He wasn‘t just watching traffic now。 The cityscape was forever transformed for John Kelly。 The streets were a curious mixture of activity and vacancy; and his eyes swept around in a habit he‘d allowed himself to forget; zeroing in on people whose inactivity seemed to display a purpose。 It would take time; he told himself; to distinguish the sheep from the goats。 The city traffic was light; and in any case; people didn‘t linger on these streets。 Kelly looked left and right to see that the other drivers‘ eyes were locked forward; shutting out what lay around them; just as he had once done; stopping uneasily for red lights they couldn‘t fortably run and hitting the gas hard when the lights changed。 Hoping that they could leave it all behind; that the problems here would stay here and never move outward to where the good people lived。 In that sense it was a reversal of Vietnam; wasn‘t it? There the bad things were out in the boonies; and you wanted to keep them from moving in。 Kelly realized that he‘d e home to see the same kind of lunacy and the same kind of failure in a very different kind of place。 And he‘d been as guilty and as foolish as everyone else。
The Scout turned left; heading south past another hospital; a large white one。 Business district; banks and offices; courthouse; city hall; a good part of town where good people came in daylight; leaving quickly at night; all together because there was safety in their hurried numbers。 Well…policed; because without these people and their merce; the city would surely die。 Or something like that。 Maybe it wasn‘t a question of life or death at all; but merely of speed。
Only a mile and a half; Kelly wondered。 That much? He‘d have to check a map。 A dangerously short distance in any case between these people and what they feared。 Stopped at an intersection; he could see a long way; because city streets; like firebreaks; offered long and narrow views。 The light changed and he moved on。 
Springer was in her accustomed place; twenty minutes later。 Kelly assembled his things and went aboard。 Ten minutes after that; the diesels were chugging away; the air conditioning was on; and he was back in his little white bubble of civilization; ready to cast off。 Off of pain medications and feeling the need for a beer and some relaxation … just the symbolic return to normality … he nevertheless left the alcohol alone。 His left shoulder was distressingly stiff despite his having been able to use it; after a fashion; for almost a week。 He walked around the main salon; swinging his arms in wide circles; and wincing from the pain on the left side; before heading topside to cast off。 Murdock came out to watch; but said nothing from the door into his office。 Kelly‘s experience had made the papers; though not the involvement with Раm; which somehow the reporters had failed to connect。 The fuel tanks were topped off; and all the boat‘s systems appeared to be operating; but there was no bill for whatever the yard had done。
Kelly‘s line…handling was awkward as his left arm refused to do the things his mind manded in the usual timely fashion。 Finally; the lines were slipped; and Springer headed out。 After clearing the yacht basin; Kelly settled into the salon control station; steering a straight course out to the Bay in the fort of the air conditioning and the security of the
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