


璇玑之心刃·冷血悍将- 第106部分

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Then Springer started pitching; up and down three or four feet at the bow as Kelly maneuvered left to get around the worst of it。 The freighter grew before them like a cliff as they overtook her。
‘Is there someplace I can change?‘
‘My cabin is aft。 You can move in forward if you want。‘
‘Oh; really?‘ She giggled。 ‘Why would I do that?‘
‘Huh?‘ She‘d done it to him again。
Pam went below; careful to hold on to the rails as she carried her backpack。 She hadn‘t been wearing much。 She reappeared in a few minutes wearing even less; short…shorts and a halter; no shoes; and perceptibly more relaxed。 She had dancer‘s legs; Kelly noticed; slim and very feminine。 Also very pale; which surprised him。 The halter was loose on her; and frayed at the edges。 Perhaps she‘d recently lost weight; or maybe she‘d deliberately bought it overlarge。 Whatever the reason; it showed quite a bit of her chest。 Kelly caught himself shifting his eyes; and chastised himself for ogling the girl。 But Pam made it hard not to。 Now she grasped his upper arm and sat up against him。 Looking over; he could see right down the halter just as far as he wanted。
‘You like them?‘ she asked。
Kelly‘s brain and mouth went into lock。 He made a few embarrassed sounds; and before he could decide to say anything she was laughing。 But not at him。 She was waving at the crew of the freighter; who waved back。 It was an Italian ship; and one of the half dozen or so men hanging over the rail at the stern blew Pam a kiss。 She did the same in return。
It made Kelly jealous。
He turned the wheel to port again; taking his boat across the bow wave of the freighter; and as he passed the vessel‘s bridge he tooted his hom。 It was the correct thing to do; though few small boaters ever bothered。 By this time; a watch officer had his glasses on Kelly … actually Pam; of course。 He turned and shouted something to the wheelhouse。 A moment later the freighter‘s enormous ‘whistle‘ sounded its own bass note; nearly causing the girl to leap from her seat。
Kelly laughed; and so did she; and then she wrapped her arms tightly around his bicep。 He could feel a finger tracing its way around the tattoo。
‘It doesn‘t feel like…‘
Kelly nodded。 ‘I know。 Most people expect it to feel like paint or something。‘
‘Why did…‘
‘ …I get it? Everybody in the outfit did。 Even the officers。 It was something to do; I guess。 Pretty dumb; realty。‘
‘I dunk it‘s cute。‘
‘Well; I think you‘re pretty cute。‘
‘You say the nicest things。‘ She moved slightly; rubbing her breast against his upper arm。
Kelly settled down to a steady cruising speed of eighteen knots as he worked his way out of Baltimore harbor。 The Italian freighter was the only merchant ship in view; and the seas were flat; with one…foot ripples。 He kept to the main shipping channel all the way out into the Chesapeake Bay。
‘You thirsty?‘ she asked as they turned south。
‘Yeah。 There‘s a fridge in the kitchete … it‘s in the…‘
‘I saw it。 What do you want?‘
‘Get two of anything。‘
‘Okay; ‘ she replied brightly。 When she stood; the soft feeling worked its way straight up his arm; finally departing at the shoulder。
‘What‘s that?‘ she asked on returning。 Kelly turned and winced。 He‘d been so content with the girl on his arm that he‘d neglected to pay attention to the weather。 ‘That‘ was a thunderstorm; a towering mass of cumulonimbus clouds that reached eight or ten miles skyward。
‘Looks like we‘re going to get some rain;‘ he told her as he took the beer from her hand。
‘When I was a little girl; that meant a tornado。‘
‘Well; not here; it doesn‘t;‘ Kelly replied; looking around the boat to make sure that there was no loose gear。 Below; he knew; everything was in its proper place; because it always was; ennui or not。 Then he switched on his marine radio。 He caught a weather forecast at once; one that ended with the usual warning。
‘Is this a small craft?‘ Pam asked。
‘Technically it is; but you can relax。 I know what I‘m doing。 I used to be a chief bosun‘s mate。‘
‘What‘s that?‘
‘A sailor。 In the Navy; that is。 Besides; this is a pretty big boat。 The ride might get a little bumpy; is all。 If you‘re worried; there are life jackets under the seat you‘re on。‘
‘Are you worried?‘ Pam asked。 Kelly smiled and shook his head。 ‘Okay。‘ She resumed her previous position; her chest against his arm; her head on his shoulder; a dreamy expression in her eyes; as though anticipating something that was to be; storm or no storm。
Kelly wasn‘t worried … at least not about the storm … but he wasn‘t casual about things either。 Passing Bodkin Point; he continued east across the shipping channel。 He didn‘t turn south until he was in water he knew to be too shallow for anything large enough to run him down。 Every few minutes he turned to keep an eye on the storm; which was charging right in at twenty knots or so。 It had already blotted out the sun。 A fast…moving storm most often meant a violent one; and his new southerly course meant that he wasn‘t outrunning it any longer。 Kelly finished off his beer and decided against another。 Visibility would drop fast。 He pulled out a plastic…coated chart and fixed it in place on the table to the right of the instrument panel; marked his position with a grease pencil; and then checked; to make sure that his course didn‘t take him into shallows … Springer drew four and a half feet of water; and for Kelly anything less than eight feet constituted shallow water。 Satisfied; he set his pass course and relaxed again。 His training was his buffer against both danger and placency。
‘Won‘t be long now;‘ Pam observed; just a trace of unease in her voice as she held on to him。
‘You can head below if you want;‘ Kelly said。 ‘It‘s gonna get rainy and windy。 And bumpy。‘
‘But not dangerous。‘
‘No; unless I do something really dumb。 I‘ll try not to;‘ he promised。
‘Can I stay here and see what it‘s like?‘ she asked; dearly unwilling to leave his side; though Kelly did not know why。
‘It‘s going to get wet;‘ he warned her again。
‘That‘s okay。‘ She smiled brightly; fixing even more tightly to his arm。
Кеllу throttled back some; taking the boat down off plane。 There was no reason to hurry。 With the throttles eased back; there was no longer a need for two hands on the controls either。 He wrapped his arm around the girl; her head came automatically down on his shoulder again; and despite the approaching storm everything was suddenly right with the world。 Or that‘s what Kelly‘s emotions told him。 His reason said something else; and the two views would not reconcile themselves。 His reason reminded him that the girl at his side was … what? He didn‘t know。 His emotions told him that it didn‘t matter a damn。 She was what he needed。 But Kelly was not a man ruled by emotions; and the conflict made him glower at the horizon。
‘Something wrong?‘ Pam asked。
Kelly started to say something; then stopped; and reminded himself that he was alone on his yacht with a pretty girl。 He let emotion win this round for a change。
‘I’m a little confused; but; no; nothing is wrong that I know about。‘
‘I can tell that you …‘
Kelly shook his head。 ‘Don‘t bother。 Whatever it is; it can wait。 Just relax and enjoy the ride。‘
The first gust of wind arrived a moment later; heeling the boat a few degrees to port。 Kelly adjusted his rudder to pensate。 The rain arrived quickly。 The first few warning sprinkles were rapidly followed by solid sheets that marched like curtains across the surface of the Chesapeake Bay。 Within a minute visibility was down to only a few hundred yards; and the sky was as dark as late twilight。 Kelly made sure his running lights were on。 The waves started kicking up in earnest; driven by what felt like thirty knots of wind。 Weather and seas were directly on the beam。 He decided that he could keep going; but he was in a good anchoring place now; and wouldn‘t be in another for five hours。 Kelly took another look at the chart; then switched on his radar to verify his position。 Ten feet of water; a sand bottom that the chart called HRD and was therefore good holding ground。 He brought Springer into the wind and eased the throttles until the propellers were providing just enough thrust to overe the driving force of the wind。
‘Take the wheel;‘ he told Pam。
‘But I don‘t know what to do!‘
‘It‘s all right。 Just hold her steady and steer the way I tell you to。 I have to go forward to set the anchors。 ‘Kay?‘
‘You be careful!‘ she shouted over the gusting wind。 The waves were about five feet now; and the bow of the boat was leaping up and down。 Kelly gave her shoulder a squeeze and went forward。
He had to watch himself; of course; but his shoes had no…skid soles; and Kelly knew his business。 He kept his hands on the grab rail all the way around the superstructure; and in a minute he was on the foredeck。 Two anchors were clipped to the deck; a Danforth and a CQR plow…type; both slightly oversized。 He tossed the Danforth over first; then signaled for Pam to ease the wheel to port。 When the boat had moved perhaps fifty feet south; he dropped the CQR over the side as well。 Both ropes were already set to the proper lengths; and after checking that all wa
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