derstand it。 I'm not running down sex; sex is swell; sex is wonderful。 But if you put a holy aura around it…and that is what you are doing…sex stops being fun and starts being neurotic。
〃Stipulating for argument that I 'denied Llita this boon;' it surely did not leave her sex starved。 At worst I could possibly have miffed her a little。 But she was not deprived。 Llita was a hearty wench; and having to work too hard was the only thing that ever kept her off her back…or on top; or standing?up; or kneeling; or swinging from the chandeliers…and I did make it possible for them to have more time for it。 Joe and Llita were simple souls; uninhibited and uncorrupted; and of the four major interests of mankind…war; money; politics; and sex…they were interested only in sex and money。 With some guidance from me they got plenty of both。
〃Shucks; it can't matter now to say that; after they learned contraception techniques…almost as perfect then as now; and which I taught them but had no reason to mention…they had no superstitions or taboos to keep them from branching out for fun; and their pair…bonding was so strong as not to be endangered thereby。 They were innocent hedonists; and if Llita failed to trip one tired old spaceman; she did trip plenty of others。 And so did Joe。 They had fun…plus the deep happiness of as perfect a marriage as I have ever observed。〃
〃I am most pleased to hear it;〃 Minerva answered。 〃Very well; Lazarus; I withdraw my questions and refrain from speculations about Mrs。 Long and that 'tired old spaceman'…even though your statements show that you were neither tired; nor old; nor a spaceman at that time。 You mentioned 'four major interests of mankind'…but did not include science and art。〃
〃I didn't leave them out through forgetting them; Minerva。 Science and art are occupations of a very small minority…a small percentage even of those people who claim to be scientists or artists。 But you know that; you were simply changing the aubject。〃
〃Was I; Lazarus?〃
〃Pig whistle; dear。 You know the parable of the Little Mermaid。 Are you prepared to pay the price she paid? You can; you know。〃 He added; 〃Don't pretend you don't know what I mean。〃
The puter sighed。 〃I think the question is 'may;' not 'can。' A wheelbarrow has no rights。 Nor do I。〃
〃You're dodging; dear。 'Rights' is a fictional abstraction。 No one has 'rights;' neither machines nor flesh…and…blood。 Persons…both sorts!…have opportunities; not rights; which they use; or do not use。 All you have going for you is that you are the strong…right arm of the boss of this pla 。 。 plus the friendship of an old man who enjoys very special privileges for a most illogical reason but does not hesitate to take advantage of those privileges 。 。 plus; stored in your~memories in Dora's number…two hold; all the biological and geic data of Secundu Howard Clinic…best such library in the Galaxy; possibly; and certainly best for human biology。 But what I asked was: Will you pay the price? Having your mental processes slowed down at least a million to one; data storage reduced by some unknown…but large…factor; some chance…again I can't say…of failure in achieving transmigration 。 。 and always the certainty of death as the ultimate oute…death a machine need never know。 You know that you can outlive the human race。 Immortal。〃
〃I would not choose to outlive my makers; Lazarus。〃
〃So? You say that tonight; dear…but would you say it a trillion years from now? Minerva; my beloved friend…my only friend with whom I can be truthful…I feel certain that you have been toying with this idea ever since the Clinic's files were made part of your memories。 But; even with your speed of thought; I suspect that you do not have the experience… the flesh…and…blood experience…with which to think it through。 If you choose to risk this; you cannot be both machine and flesh…and…blood。 Oh; certainly we have mixes…machines with human brains; and flesh…and…blood bodies controlled by puters。 But what you want is to be a woman。 Right? True or false?〃
〃Would that I were a woman; Lazarus!〃
〃So I knew; dear。 And we both know why。 But…think about this!…even if you manage this risky change…and I don't know what the risks are; I am just an old shipmaster; retired country doctor; obsolete engineer; you are the one with all the data my race has accumulated about such things…suppose you manage it 。 。 and find that Ira will not take you to wife?〃
The puter hesitated a full millisecond。 〃Lazarus; if Ira refuses me…refuses me utterly; he need not marry me…would you the? be as difficult with me as you seem to have been with Llita? Or would you teach me 'Eros'?〃
Lazarus looked astounded; then guffaw鑔。 〃Touch? You ranged me; girl…you hulled me between wind and water! All right; dear; a solemn promise: If you do this 。 。 and Ira won't bed you; I'll take you to bed myself and do my best to wear you out! Or the other way around more likely; a male hardly ever outlasts a female。 Okay; dear; I'm the second team…and I'll stick around till we know the oute。〃
He chuckled。 〃My sweet; I am almost tempted to hope that Ira turns chicken…were it not you want him so badly。 Let's discuss practical aspects。 Can you tell me what it will take?〃
〃Only in theory; Lazarus; my memories do not show that it has ever been attempted。 But it would be similar to a total clone rejuvenation in which puter help is used to transfer the memories of the old brain into its blank twin…in the clone body。 In another way it resembles what I do when I move the 'me' here in the Palace into my new 'me' in Dora's hold。〃
〃Minerva; I suspect that it is more difficult…and far more risky…than either one。 Different time rates; dear。 Machine to machine you do in a split second。 But that total…clone job takes; I think; a minimum of two years…rush it; and you wind up with an old dead body and a new idiot。 No?〃
〃There have been such cases; Lazarus。 But not in the past two centuries。〃
〃Well 。 。 my opinion isn't worth anything。 You must discuss it with an expert…and it must be one you can trust。 Ishtar; perhaps; although she may not be the expert you need。〃
〃Lazarus; there is no expert in this venture; it has never been done。 Ishtar can be trusted; I have discussed it with her。〃
〃What does she say?〃
〃That she does not know whether it can be done or not…in practice; that is; with success on …the first attempt。 But she is deeply sympathetic…she is a woman!…and is thinking of ways to make it less hazardous。 She says that it will require the finest of gene surgory; plus facilities for full…adult cloning。〃
〃I guess I missed something。 Starting a clone doesn't take a topflight gene surgeon; I've done it myself。 Then; if you plant the clone in utero and get it to take; a host…mother will hand you a baby in nine months。 Safer。 Easier。〃
〃But; Lazarus; I can't move me into a baby's skull。 No room!〃
〃Urn。 Yes。 True。〃
〃Even with a full…size adult brain I will have to choose most carefully what to take and what to leave behind。 Nor can I be a simple clone: I must be a posite。〃
〃Mmm… I'm not sharp tonight。 No; you would not want to be Ishtar's twin; for example; with your own personality and selected knowledge imprinted on what would have been her brain。 Hm… Dear; may I offer you my twelfth chromosome pair?〃
〃Don't cry; girl; you'll get your gears all rusty。 I don't know that there's anything to the theory that reinforcement in a gene plex in that chromosome pair controls longevity。 Even if it does; I might be handing you a run…down clock。 You might be better off using Ira's twelfth。〃
〃No。 Nothing from Ira。〃
〃Do you expect to do this without his knowing it?〃 Lazarus then added thoughtfully; 〃Oh… Children; eh?〃
The puter did not answer。
Lazarus said gently; 〃Should have known you meant to go whole hog。 Then you won't want to borrow from Hamadryad; either; she's his daughter。 Unless geic charting shows that we can avoid any hazard。 Mmm…Dear; you want as mixed a posite as can be managed; do you not? So that your clone will be a unique flesh…and…blood; not too closely copied from any other zygote。 Twenty…three parents perhaps? Is that what you had in mind?〃
〃I think that would be best; Lazarus; since that could be done without separating paired chromosomes…simpler surgery and no possibility of introducing an unexpected reinforcement。 If it were possible to find twenty…three…satisfactory……donors who were willing。〃
〃Who said they had to be willing? We'll steal 'em; dear。 Nobody owns his genes; he's merely ~their custodian。 They are passed to him willy…nilly in the meiotic dance; he passes them along to others through the same blind chances。 There must be many thousands of tissue cultures over at the Clinic; each with many thousands of cells…so who's to know or care if we borrow one cell from each of twenty…three cultures?…if we're slick about it。 Don't fret about ethics; it's like stealing twentythree grains of sand from a large 'beac