《time enough for love-时间足够你爱(英文版)》



time enough for love-时间足够你爱(英文版)- 第119部分

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  Acquiring a presentable motorcar crystallized his plans。 He spent the next day being 〃Theodore Bronson〃: moved his bank account one street over to the Missouri Savings Bank; and held out ample cash; visited a barber and had his hair and mustache restyled; went to Browning; King & Co。; and bought clothing suitable to a conservative young businessman。 Then he drove south and cruised Linwood Boulevard; watching for 〃Vacancy〃 signs。 His requirements were simple~ a furnished apartment with a respectable address and facade; its own kitchen and bathroom…and in walking distance of a pool hall on Thirty…first Street。
  He did not plan to hustle in that pool hall; it was one of two
  473places where he hoped to meet a member of his first family。 Lazarus found what he needed; but on Armour Boulevard
  rather than Linwood and rather far from that pool hail。 This caused him to rent two garaging spaces…diflicult; as Kansas City was not yet accustomed to supplying housing for automobiles。 But two dollars a month got him space in a barn close to his apartment; three dollars a month got him a shed behind the pawnshop next to the Idle Hour Billiard Parlour。
  He started a routine: Spend each evening from eight to ten at the pool hall; attend the church on Linwood Boulevard that his family had attended (did attend); go downtown mornings when business required…by streetcar; Lazarus considered an automobile a nuisance in downtown Kansas City; and he enjoyed riding streetcars。 He began profit…taking on his investments; coverting the proceeds into gold double eagles and saving them in a lockbox in a third bank; the monwealth。 He expected to plete liquidation; with enough gold to carry him through November 11; 1918; well before his July departure date。
  In his spare time he kept the landaulet shining; took care of its upkeep 'himself; and drove it for pleasure。 He also worked slowly; carefully; and very privately on a tailoring job: making a chamois…skin vest that was nothing but pockets; each to hold one 20 gold piece。 When pleted and filled and pockets sewed shut; he planned to cover it; inside and out; with a sUit vest he had used as a pattern。 It would be much too warm; but a money belt was …not enough for that much gold
  …and money that clinked instead of rustling was the only sort he was certain… he could use outside the country in wartime。 Besides; when filled it would be almost a bulletproof vest… one never knew what lay around the next corner; and those Latin…American countries were volatile。 …
  Each Saturday afternoon he took conversational Spanish from a Westport High School teacher who lived nearby。 All in all he kept pleasantly busy and on schedule。
  That evening after locking his Ford landaulet into the shed back of the pawnshop; Lazarus glanced into a bierstube adjoining it; thinking that his grandfather might have a stein of Muehlebach there before going home。 The problem of how to meet his first family easily and naturally had occupied his mind from time to time all winter。 He wanted to be accepted as a friend in their (his!) home; but he could not walk up the front steps; twist the doorbell; and announce himself as a long…
  474lost cousin…nor even… as a friend of a… friend …from Paducah。 He had no connections with which to swing it; and … if …he tried a plex lie; he was certain his grandfather would spot it。
  Thus he had decided on a pianissimo double approach: the church attended by his family '(except his grandfather) and the hangout his grandfather used when he wanted to get away from his daughter's family。
  Lazarus was sure of the church…and his memory was confirmed the first Sunday he had gene there; with a shock that had upset him even more than the shock of learning that he
  was three …years early。 He saw his … mother ?nd had momentarily mistaken her for
  one of his twin sisters。 …
  … But almost instantly he realized why: Maureen ~Johnson Smith was the geic mother of his identicals as certainly as
  she was his own mother。 Nevertheless; it had shaken him; and he was glad to … have several hymns and a long sermon in
  which to calm down。 He avoided looking at her and spent the
  time trying to sort out his brothers and sisters。
  Twice since then he had seen his mother at church and now could look at her without flinching and could even sec that this pretty young matron was patible with his faded
  image bf what his mother ought to …look like。 But he still felt that he … would never have recognized her had it not been for his sharp recollection of Lapis Lazuli and Lorelei Lee。 He had illogically expected a much older woman; more as she had been when he left home。 …
  Attending church had not resulted in his… meeting her; or his siblings; although the pastor had introduced him to other parishioners。 But he continued to drive his automobile to
  church against the' day when it might be polite to offer her and his siblings a ride home…six blocks over on Benton Boulevard; the spring weather would not always be dry。 … …
  He had not been as certain of his grandfather's hangout。 He was sure that this was where 〃Gramp〃 used to go ten or twelve years later…but did he go here when Woodie Smith was (is) not yet five?
  Having checked the German beer parlor…and noted that it had suddenly changed its name to 〃The Swiss Garden〃…he went into …the poo1 hall。 Pool tables were all in use; he went back to the rear; where there was one billiard table; a card table; and one for chess or checkers; no poo1 game being available; it seemed a good time to practice some 〃mistakes〃 at three…魎shion。
  475Gramp! His grandfather was alone at the chess table; Lazarus recognized him at once。 …
  Lazarus did not break …stride。 He went on toward the cue rack; hesitated as he was about to pass the chess table; looked down at the array。 Ira Johnson looked up…seemed to recognize Lazarus; seemed about to speak and then to think better of it。
  〃Excuse me;〃 said Lazarus。 〃I didn't mean to interrupt。〃
  〃No harm;〃 said the old man; (How old? To Lazarus he seemed both older and younger than he ought to be。 And smaller。 When was he born? … Almost ten years before … the Civil War。) 〃Just fiddling with a chess problem。〃
  ~'How many moves to mate?〃
  〃You play?〃 …
  〃Some。〃 Lazarus added; 〃My grandfather taught me。 But I haven't played lately。〃
  〃Care for a game?〃 …
  〃If you want to put up with a rusty player。~' …
  Ira Johnson picked up a white pawn and a black; put them behind his back; brought them out in his fists。 Lazarus pointed; found that he had chosen the black。
  Gramp started setting up pieces。 〃My name is Johnson;〃 he offered。
  〃I'm Ted Bronson; sir。〃 …
  They shook hands; Ira Johnson advanced his king's pawn to four;…Lazarus answered in kind。
  They played silentiy。 By the sixth move LAzarus suspected that his grandfather was re…creating one of Steinitz's master games; by the ninth he was sure of it。 … Should he use the escape Dora had discovered? No; that would feel like cheating
  …of course a puter could play better chess than a man。 He concentrated on playing as well as possible without attempting Dora's subtle variation。
  Lazarus was checkmated on white's twenty…ninth move; and it seemed …to him that the master game had been perfectly reproduced…Wilhelm Steinitz against some Russian; what was his name? Must ask Dora。 He waved to a marker; started to pay for~the game; his grandfather pushed his coin aside; insisted on paying for the use of the table; and added to the marker; 〃Son; fetch us two sarsaparillas。 That suit you; Mr。 Bronson? Or the boy can fetch you a beer from those Huns next door。〃 … …
  〃Sarsaparilia is fine; thank you。〃
  〃Ready for revenge?〃
  476… …〃After I catch … my breath。 You play a tough game; Mr。
  〃Mrrrmpkl You said you were rusty。〃 …
  〃I am。 But my… grandfather taught me when ~I was ver~r young; then played me every day for years。〃
  〃Do tell。 I've a grandson I play。 Tyke isn't in school yet; but I spot him only a horse。〃
  … … 〃Maybe he would play me。 Even。〃
  〃Mrrmph。 You'll allow him a knight; same as I do;〃 Mr。 Johnson paid for the drinks; tipped the boy a nickel。~ 'What …
  business are; you in; Mr。 Bronson?…if you don't mind my
  〃Not at all。 In business for myself。 Buy things; sell things。 Make a little; lose a little。〃
  〃So? When are you going to sell me the Brooklyn Bridge?〃
  〃Sorry; sir; I unloaded that last week。 But I can offer you a bargain in Spanish Prisoners。〃
  Mr。 Johnson smiled sourly。 〃Guess that'll teach me。〃
  〃But; Mr。 Johnson; if I told you I was a pool…hall hustler; you wouldn't let me play chess with your grandson。〃 …
  〃Might; … might not。 Shall we get set up? Your turn for
  white。〃… …
  With the firs
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