im change; because if the necessity for this es in troubledtimes; you are too late for harsh measures; and mild ones will not helpyou; for they will be considered as forced from you; and no one will beunder any obligation to you for them。CHAPTER IXCONCERNING A CIVIL PRINCIPALITYBUT ing to the other point …… where a leading citizen bees theprince of his country; not by wickedness or any intolerable violence;but by the favour of his fellow citizens …… this may be called a civilprincipality: nor is genius or fortune altogether necessary to attain toit; but rather a happy shrewdness。 I say then that such a principalityis obtained either by the favour of the people or by the favour of thenobles。 Because in all cities these two distinct parties are found; andfrom this it arises that the people do not wish to be ruled noroppressed by the nobles; and the nobles wish to rule and oppress thepeople; and from these two opposite desires there arises in cities oneof three results; either a principality; self…government; or anarchy。A principality is created either by the people or by the nobles;accordingly as one or other of them has the opportunity; for the nobles;seeing they cannot withstand the people; begin to cry up the reputationof one of themselves; and they make him a prince; so that under hisshadow they can give vent to their ambitions。 The people; finding theycannot resist the nobles; also cry up the reputation of one ofthemselves; and make him a prince so as to be defended by his authority。He who obtains sovereignty by the assistance of the nobles maintainshimself with more difficulty than he who es to it by the aid of thepeople; because the former finds himself with many around him whoconsider themselves his equals; and because of this he can neither rulenor manage them to his liking。 But he who reaches sovereignty by popularfavour finds himself alone; and has none around him; or few; who are notprepared to obey him。Besides this; one cannot by fair dealing; and without injury to others;satisfy the nobles; but you can satisfy the people; for their object ismore righteous than that of the nobles; the latter wishing to oppress;whilst the former only desire not to be oppressed。 It is to be addedalso that a prince can never secure himself against a hostile people;because of their being too many; whilst from the nobles he can securehimself; as they are few in number。 The worst that a prince may expectfrom a hostile people is to be abandoned by them; but from hostilenobles he has not only to fear abandonment; but also that they will riseagainst him; for they; being in these affairs more far…seeing andastute; always e forward in time to save themselves; and to obtainfavours from him whom they expect to prevail。 Further; the prince ispelled to live always with the same people; but he can do wellwithout the same nobles; being able to make and unmake them daily; andto give or take away authority when it pleases him。Therefore; to make this point clearer; I say that the nobles ought to belooked at mainly in two ways: that is to say; they either shape theircourse in such a way as binds them entirely to your fortune; or they donot。 Those who so bind themselves; and are not rapacious; ought to behonoured and loved; those who do not bind themselves may be dealt within two ways; they may fail to do this through pusillanimity and anatural want of courage; in which case you ought to make use of them;especially of those who are of good counsel; and thus; whilst inprosperity you honour yourself; in adversity you have not to fear them。But when for their own ambitious ends they shun binding themselves; itis a token that they are giving more thought to themselves than to you;and a prince ought to guard against such; and to fear them as if theywere open enemies; because in adversity they always help to ruin him。Therefore; one who bees a prince through the favour of the peopleought to keep them friendly; and this he can easily do seeing they onlyask not to be oppressed by him。 But one who; in opposition to thepeople; bees a prince by the favour of the nobles; ought; aboveeverything; to seek to win the people over to himself; and this he mayeasily do if he takes them under his protection。 Because men; when theyreceive good from him of whom they were expecting evil; are bound moreclosely to their benefactor; thus the people quickly bee more devotedto him than if he had been raised to the principality by their favours;and the prince can win their affections in many ways; but as these varyaccording to the circumstances one cannot give fixed rules; so I omitthem; but; I repeat; it is necessary for a prince to have the peoplefriendly; otherwise he has no security in adversity。Nabis; Prince of the Spartans; sustained the attack of all Greece; andof a victorious Roman army; and against them he defended his country andhis government; and for the overing of this peril it was onlynecessary for him to make himself secure against a few; but this wouldnot have been sufficient if the people had been hostile。 And do not letany one impugn this statement with the trite proverb that 'He who buildson the people; builds on the mud;' for this is true when a privatecitizen makes a foundation there; and persuades himself that the peoplewill free him when he is oppressed by his enemies or by the magistrates;wherein he would find himself very often deceived; as happened to theGracchi in Rome and to Messer Giorgio Scali in Florence。 But granted aprince who has established himself as above; who can mand; and is aman of courage; undismayed in adversity; who does not fail in otherqualifications; and who; by his resolution and energy; keeps the wholepeople encouraged …… such a one will never find himself deceived inthem; and it will be shown that he has laid his foundations well。These principalities are liable to danger when they are passing from thecivil to the absolute order of government; for such princes either rulepersonally or through magistrates。 In the latter case their governmentis weaker and more insecure; because it rests entirely on the goodwillof those citizens who are raised to the magistracy; and who; especiallyin troubled times; can destroy the government with great ease; either byintrigue or open defiance; and the prince has not the chance amidtumults to exercise absolute authority; because the citizens andsubjects; accustomed to receive orders from magistrates; are not of amind to obey him amid these confusions; and there will always be indoubtful times a scarcity of men whom he can trust。 For such a princecannot rely upon es; when citizens had needof the state; because then every one agrees with him; they all promise;and when death is far distant they all wish to die for him; but introubled times; when the state has need of its citizens; then he findsbut few。 And so much the more is this experiment dangerous; inasmuch asit can only be tried once。 Therefore a wise prince ought to adopt such acourse that his citizens will always in every sort and kind ofcircumstance have need of the state and of him; and then he will alwaysfind them faithful。CHAPTER XCONCERNING THE WAY IN WHICH THE STRENGTH OF ALL PRINCIPALITIES OUGHT TOBE MEASUREDIT IS necessary to consider another point in examining the character ofthese principalities: that is; whether a prince has such power that; incase of need; he can support himself with his own resources; or whetherhe has always need of the assistance of others。 And to make this quiteclear I say that I consider those are able to support themselves bytheir own resources who can; either by abundance of men or money; raisea sufficient army to join battle against any one who es to attackthem; and I consider those always to have need of others who cannot showthemselves against the enemy in the field; but are forced to defendthemselves by sheltering behind walls。 The first case has beendiscussed; but we will speak of it again should it recur。 In the secondcase one can say nothing except to encourage such princes to provisionand fortify their towns; and not on any account to defend the country。And whoever shall fortify his town well; and shall have managed theother concerns of his subjects in the way stated above; and to be oftenrepeated; will never be attacked without great caution; for men arealways adverse to enterprises where difficulties can be seen; and itwill be seen not to be an easy thing to attack one who has his town wellfortified; and is not hated by his people。The cities of Germany are absolutely free; they own but little countryaround them; and they yield obedience to the emperor when it suits them;nor do they fear this or any other power they may have near them;because they are fortified in such a way that every one thinks thetaking of them by assault would be tedious and difficult; seeing theyhave proper ditches and walls; they have sufficient artillery; and theyalways keep in public depots enough for one year's eating; drinking; andfiring。 And beyond this; to keep the people quiet and without loss tothe state; they always have the means of giving work to the munity inthose labours that are the life and strength of the city; and on thepursuit of which the people are supported; they also hold militaryexercises in repute; and moreover have many ordin
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