《little dorrit-信丽(英文版)》



little dorrit-信丽(英文版)- 第43部分

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Putting the chair from which he had risen nearer to the grate; he made
her sit down in it; and hurriedly bringing wood and coal; heaped them
together and got a blaze。

'Your foot is like marble; my child;' he had happened to touch it; while
stooping on one knee at his work of kindling the fire; 'put it nearer
the warmth。' Little Dorrit thanked him hastily。 It ; it
was very warm! It smote upon his heart to feel that she hid her thin;
worn shoe。

Little Dorrit was not ashamed of her poor shoes。 He knew her story; and
it was not that。 Little Dorrit had a misgiving that he might blame her
father; if he saw them; that he might think; 'why did he dine to…day;
and leave this little creature to the mercy of the cold stones!' She had
no belief that it would have been a just reflection; she simply knew;
by experience; that such delusions did sometimes present themselves to
people。 It was a part of her father's misfortunes that they did。

'Before I say anything else;' Little Dorrit began; sitting before
the pale fire; and raising her eyes again to the face which in its
harmonious look of interest; and pity; and protection; she felt to be a
mystery far above her in degree; and almost removed beyond her guessing
at; 'may I tell you something; sir?'

'Yes; my child。' A slight shade of distress fell upon her; at his so
often calling her a child。 She was surprised that he should see it; or
think of such a slight thing; but he said directly: 'I wanted a tender
word; and could think of no other。 As you just now gave yourself the
name they give you at my mother's; and as that is the name by which I
always think of you; let me call you Little Dorrit。'

'Thank you; sir; I should like it better than any name。'

'Little Dorrit。'

'Little mother;' Maggy (who had been falling asleep) put in; as a

'It's all the same; Maggy;' returned Little Dorrit; 'all the same。'

'Is it all the same; mother?'

'Just the same。'

Maggy laughed; and immediately snored。 In Little Dorrit's eyes and ears;
the uncouth figure and the uncouth sound were as pleasant as could be。
There was a glow of pride in her big child; overspreading her face; when
it again met the eyes of the grave brown gentleman。 She wondered what he
was thinking of; as he looked at Maggy and her。 She thought what a
good father he would be。 How; with some such look; he would counsel and
cherish his daughter。

'What I was going to tell you; sir;' said Little Dorrit; 'is; that MY
brother is at large。'

Arthur was rejoiced to hear it; and hoped he would do well。

'And what I was going to tell you; sir;' said Little Dorrit; trembling
in all her little figure and in her voice; 'is; that I am not to know
whose generosity released him……am never to ask; and am never to be told;
and am never to thank that gentleman with all MY grateful heart!'

He would probably need no thanks; Clennam said。 Very likely he would be
thankful himself (and with reason); that he had had the means and chance
of doing a little service to her; who well deserved a great one。

'And what I was going to say; sir; is;' said Little Dorrit; trembling
more and more; 'that if I knew him; and I might; I would tell him that
he can never; never know how I feel his goodness; and how my good father
would feel it。 And what I was going to say; sir; is; that if I knew him;
and I might……but I don't know him and I must not……I know that!……I would
tell him that I shall never any more lie down to sleep without having
prayed to Heaven to bless him and reward him。 And if I knew him; and I
might; I would go down on my knees to him; and take his hand and kiss
it and ask him not to draw it away; but to leave it……O to leave it for a
moment……and let my thankful tears fall on it; for I have no other thanks
to give him!'

Little Dorrit had put his hand to her lips; and would have kneeled to
him; but he gently prevented her; and replaced her in her chair。

Her eyes; and the tones of her voice; had thanked him far better than
she thought。 He posedly as usual;
'There; Little Dorrit; there; there; there! We will suppose that you did
know this person; and that you might do all this; and that it was all
done。 And now tell me; Who am quite another person……who am nothing
more than the friend who begged you to trust him……why you are out at
midnight; and what it is that brings you so far through the streets
at this late hour; my slight; delicate;' child was on his lips again;
'Little Dorrit!'

'Maggy and I have been to…night;' she answered; subduing herself with
the quiet effort that had long been natural to her; 'to the theatre
where my sister is engaged。'

'And oh ain't it a Ev'nly place;' suddenly interrupted Maggy; who seemed
to have the power of going to sleep and waking up whenever she chose。
'Almost as good as a hospital。 Only there ain't no Chicking in it。'

Here she shook herself; and fell asleep again。

'We went there;' said Little Dorrit; glancing at her charge; 'because
I like sometimes to know; of my own knowledge; that my sister is doing
well; and like to see her there; with my own eyes; when neither she nor
Uncle is aware。 It is very seldom indeed that I can do that; because
when I am not out at work; I am with my father; and even when I am out
at work; I hurry home to him。 But I pretend to…night that I am at a

As she made the confession; timidly hesitating; she raised her eyes to
the face; and read its expression so plainly that she answered it。 'Oh
no; certainly! I never was at a party in my life。' She paused a little
under his attentive look; and then said; 'I hope there is no harm in it。
I could never have been of any use; if I had not pretended a little。'

She feared that he was blaming her in his mind for so devising to
contrive for them; think for them; and watch over them; without their
knowledge or gratitude; perhaps even with their reproaches for supposed
neglect。 But what was really in his mind; was the weak figure with its
strong purpose; the thin worn shoes; the insufficient dress; and the
pretence of recreation and enjoyment。 He asked where the suppositious
party was? At a place where she worked; answered Little Dorrit;
blushing。 She had said very little about it; only a few words to
make her father easy。 Her father did not believe it to be a grand
party……indeed he might suppose that。 And she glanced for an instant at
the shawl she wore。

'It is the first night;' said Little Dorrit; 'that I have ever been away
from home。 And London looks so large; so barren; and so wild。' In Little
Dorrit's eyes; its vastness under the black sky was awful; a tremor
passed over her as she said the words。

'But this is not;' she added; with the quiet effort again; 'what I have
e to trouble you with; sir。 My sister's having found a friend; a lady
she has told me of and made me rather anxious about; was the first cause
of my ing away from home。 And being away; and ing (on purpose)
round by where you lived and seeing a light in the window……'

Not for the first time。 No; not for the first time。 In Little Dorrit's
eyes; the outside of that window had been a distant star on other nights
than this。 She had toiled out of her way; tired and troubled; to look up
at it; and wonder about the grave; brown gentleman from so far off; who
had spoken to her as a friend and protector。

'There were three things;' said Little Dorrit; 'that I thought I would
like to say; if you were alone and I might e up…stairs。 First; what I
have tried to say; but never can……never shall……'

'Hush; hush! That is done with; and disposed of。 Let us pass to the
second;' said Clennam; smiling her agitation away; making the blaze
shine upon her; and putting wine and cake and fruit towards her on the

'I think;' said Little Dorrit……'this is the second thing; sir……I think
Mrs Clennam must have found out my secret; and must know where I e
from and where I go to。 Where I live; I mean。'

'Indeed!' returned Clennam quickly。 He asked her; after short
consideration; why she supposed so。

'I think;' replied Little Dorrit; 'that Mr Flintwinch must have watched

And why; Clennam asked; as he turned his eyes upon the fire; bent his
brows; and considered again; why did she suppose that?

'I have met him twice。 Both times near home。 Both times at night; when
I was going back。 Both times I thought (though that may easily be my
mistake); that he hardly looked as if he had met me by accident。' 'Did
he say anything?'

'No; he only nodded and put his head on one side。'

'The devil take his head!' mused Clennam; still looking at the fire;
'it's always on one side。' He roused himself to persuade her to put some
wine to her lips; and to touch something to eat……it was very difficult;
she was so timid and shy……and then said; musing again: 'Is my mother at
all changed to you?'

'Oh; not at all。 She is just the same。 I wondered whether I had better
tell her my history。 I wondered whether I might……I mean; whether you
would like me to tell her。 I wondered;' said Little Dorrit; looking at
him in a suppliant way; and gradually withdrawing her eyes as he looked
at her; 'whether you would advise me what I ought to do。'

'Little Dorrit;
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